.010   The Director is authorized to administer the provisions of this Chapter.
   .020   The Director is authorized to establish and change from time to time rules and regulations he or she may deem necessary and advisable to effectuate the purposes of the regulations and limitations set forth in this Chapter. The Director shall consult with the Park and Recreation Commission regarding the adoption or amendment of rules and regulations governing Dog Parks; provided, however, that nothing in this section is intended to limit the City Council’s ability to enact rules and regulations governing the use of Dog Parks.
   .030   The hours that members of the general public and dogs may be in Dog Parks shall be set at the discretion of the Director and posted on signage at the entrance(s) to a Dog Park.
   .040   Dog Parks may be closed at any time by the Director for the purpose of maintenance, renewal, replacement or restoration, for the conduct of such events as dog obedience classes, or for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City by posting on signage at the entrance(s) to a Dog Park.
(Ord. 6314 § 1 (part); February 3, 2015.)