.010   When an overcharge or undercharge is discovered by City personnel, or when a disputed bill proceeding results in a determination that the bill was in error, the error shall be corrected back to the date for which the overcharge or undercharge may be reliably established. However, undercharge adjustments in billing shall not exceed a period of twelve months prior to the time the error was discovered, for single-family residential service, or a period of twenty-four months for all other service classes. Overcharge adjustments shall not exceed a period of twenty-four months prior to the time a disputed bill proceeding was initiated or an error was discovered by City personnel, for all service classes, unless directed otherwise by the Director of Public Works.
   .020   When the cost to the City of correcting an undercharge would exceed the amount of the undercharge, the Director of Public Works may waive the adjustment.
   .030   When a credit balance results from adjustment of an overcharge, refund of the credit balance in cash or by warrant shall be made at the request of the customer unless the cost to the City of processing the payment (as determined by the Director of Finance) would exceed the amount of the refund. However, a credit balance on a final bill shall be refunded unless waived by the customer. (Ord. 5506 § 2; July 11, 1995.)