7.30.010 INTENT.
   Aggressive or intimidating acts by panhandlers soliciting money or other things of value from persons upon public property, or upon private property open to the public, imperils the safety of residents, visitors and tourists within the City of Anaheim. Such acts further constitute coercion to obtain contributions from persons who do not desire to make, and would not otherwise freely make, such contributions in the absence of such aggressive or intimidating conduct. Such conduct further jeopardizes the City's economy by discouraging visitors, tourists and prospective customers from coming to Anaheim for business, recreation and shopping. Such conduct also threatens to drive City residents to places outside of Anaheim for their recreation and shopping activities. Such conduct further undermines the public's basic right to be in and enjoy public places without fear that they will be pursued or intimidated by persons seeking handouts. Further, it is necessary to place reasonable restrictions upon the time, place and manner in which panhandling occurs in order to protect the public health and safety. (Ord. 5406 § 1 (part); November 2, 1993.)