The following uses of sound-amplifying equipment and activities shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter:
   .010   Vehicle sound systems, radios and similar devices located within or upon any vehicle, to the extent the sound from such devices is regulated by provisions of the Vehicle Code of the State of California.
   .020   Sound-amplifying equipment when used and heard only by occupants of the premises in which the devices are located.
   .030   Warning devices on authorized emergency vehicles, or horns or other warning devices on other vehicles when used for traffic safety purposes, or any other device when used by a public safety officer for official purposes.
   .040   Equipment used by any duly authorized facility operator, tenant or lessee as an integral part of any event at Anaheim Stadium, Arrowhead Pond, Anaheim Convention Center, or as an integral part of any event or program at any other publicly owned or operated facility.
   .050   Equipment and devices used as an integral part of any public or private institutional use lawfully permitted pursuant to Title 18 of this Code, including but not limited to, public and private educational institutions, and places of religious worship. (Ord. 5941 § 1 (part); September 14, 2004.)