Whenever the nuisance specified in Section 6.60.010 exists upon any premises within the City, the Orange County Mosquito Abatement District shall notify, in writing, the record owner or person occupying or otherwise in control or possession of such premises of the existence of the nuisance. The notice shall direct that the person or persons to whom the notice is directed shall, within a specified time, abate the nuisance and perform all work necessary, including the extermination of adult flies and the control of fly breeding, to prevent the recurrence of such nuisance on the premises specified in the notice. The notice shall be served upon the owner or the person occupying or otherwise in control or possession of the premises upon which the nuisance exists, or upon the agent of either. Such notice may be served by any person authorized by the Orange County Mosquito Abatement District in the same manner as a summons in a civil action. (Ord. 3469 § 2 (part); October 7, 1975.)