.010 Any swimming pool, ponds or other body of water on private property designed or intended to contain water more than eighteen inches in depth at any point, shall be enclosed by a barrier adequate to prevent entry of small children. The solid walls of a fence, dwelling, building or structure may constitute a part of the barrier. Such barriers, fences and walls shall comply with Sections 419, 420 and 421 of the Appendix of the most current edition of the Anaheim Building Code.
.020 Compliance. No pool or pond subject to this chapter shall be plastered or filled with water until the Building Official has determined that the provisions of this chapter have been met.
.030 Exceptions to the requirements of this section shall be as set forth in the most current edition of the Anaheim Building Code. (Ord. 1177 (part); December 10, 1957: Ord. 1203; January 7, 1958: Ord. 1281; September 10, 1958: Ord. 2520; May 28, 1968: Ord. 3377 § 1; November 26, 1974: Ord. 5300 § 3; May 5, 1992; Ord. 5547 § 3; December 19, 1995: Ord. 5812 § 22; June 11, 2002.)