Permits for the display, sale and peddling of goods, wares, merchandise, food items or other things of value in the streets or on the sidewalks or curbs of the City of Anaheim along the route of any halloween parade during the Annual Halloween Parade and Festival held in the City of Anaheim on Friday and Saturday nearest October 31st of each year, as determined by the City Council, shall be issued only to charitable, fraternal, patriotic, service, religious or school organizations which have existed continuously in the City of Anaheim for one year prior to the issuance of such permit. Each organization shall be limited to one permit per year. Such permits shall not be transferable. Permits shall be issued to organizations that submit to the City License Division a roster of active members showing that the membership consists of at least seventy percent of persons who reside in the City of Anaheim. Disabled veterans are exempt from the provisions of this chapter, if qualified for exemption, as provided by Section 16001 of the California Business and Professions Code and Chapter 3.04 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. (Ord. 4951 § 2 (part); August 30, 1988.)