The City Council may suspend or revoke the permit issued hereunder:
   (1)   When it determines that the permit holder violated or permitted other persons to violate, through an act of omission or commission by the permit holder, any type of offense, felony or misdemeanor, involving moral turpitude or sexual misconduct, if, as a result of the offense, the permit holder or the employee or agent of the permit holder is convicted or enters a plea of guilty or nolo contendere.
   (2)   When it determines that the permit holder or his agent, manager, or the employee in charge of the Escort Bureau or Introductory Service was put on notice, or knew of, or should have known of, a violation of the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code including but not limited to the provisions of Chapter 4.90 and, failed to correct that violation.
   (3)   When it determines that an inspection or investigation by the City Building Division, Police Department, Fire Department or Health Department reveals a deficiency, violation, or course of conduct that endangers the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the public.
   In each subdivision of this section, no permit shall be suspended or revoked unless hearing and notice thereof be given. Notice of such hearing shall be given in writing and served at least five days prior to the date of hearing thereon. The notice shall state the ground of the complaint against the holder of such permit, or against the business carried on by the permittee at the Escort Bureau and Introductory Service, and shall state the time and place where such hearing will be held.
   This notice shall be served upon the permit holder by delivering the same to such person or by leaving such notice at the place of business or residence of the permit holder in the custody of a person of suitable age and discretion. In the event the permit holder cannot be found and the service of such notice cannot be made in the manner herein provided, a copy of such notice shall be mailed, postage fully prepaid, addressed to the permit holder at his place of business or residence at least five days prior to the date of such hearing.
   It is unlawful for any person to conduct or carry on the business of an Escort Bureau or Introductory Service until a permit, suspended or revoked, has been reinstated by the City Council. (Ord. 3926 § 1 (part); October 17, 1978.)