.010   Any person or entity that installs, vends from, operates or maintains, or causes to be installed, vended from, operated or maintained, any newsrack which rests, in whole or in part, upon, in or over any public right-of-way, sidewalk or parkway within the City of Anaheim, including The Anaheim ResortTM, shall regularly maintain and service each such newsrack to ensure the following:
   .0101   That each newsrack registered to any registrant remains reasonably free of:
   .010101   Dirt and grease;
   .010102   Chipped, faded, peeling and/or cracked paint;
   .010103   Graffiti;
   .010104   Rust or corrosion on any visible part of the newsrack unit;
   .010105   Cracked, dented, blemished and/or discolored parts, including, but not limited to the clear plastic or glass window through which the publication therein is viewed;
   .010106   Torn, peeling or faded paper or cardboard parts and/or insertions; and,
   .010107   Broken, missing or damaged structural parts.
   .0102   That each such newsrack, including the coin-return mechanism, shall remain mechanically operable.
   .0103   That any unused or "abandoned" newsrack shall be removed by the registrant whose name appears on the Newsrack as provided in subsection of this chapter, and the sidewalk or parkway be restored to its condition prior to installation of the newsrack, including, but not limited to, the removal of bolts, holes or other hazards and sidewalk reconstruction to the condition before the newsrack was affixed, within fifteen days from the date of actual removal of the unused or abandoned newsrack or within fifteen days of service of written notification from the Director to remove such newsrack. For the purposes of this Section, a newsrack shall be deemed "abandoned" when no new publication has been placed in such newsrack for a period of thirty-five consecutive calendar days or when maintenance of the newsrack has not been performed to the standards set forth in this subsection for a period of thirty-five consecutive days.
(Ord. 5782 § 1 (part); September 25, 2001.