.010   It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in soliciting as defined in this chapter in or upon the grounds of any stadium, convention center, government office building, police station, fire station library or other public facility owned or operated by the City of Anaheim except with the prior written consent of the City of Anaheim.
   .020   It shall be unlawful for anyone to engage in soliciting as defined in this chapter without having in such solicitor's possession a valid permit issued under the provisions of this chapter and a valid business license issued by the City of Anaheim pursuant to this Code.
   .030   It shall be unlawful for any solicitor to make any false statement to any person being solicited by such person for a commercial transaction that relates to the goods, wares, merchandise or services offered for sale by such solicitor.
   .040   Any person who shall be convicted of any act defined as unlawful conduct under the provisions of this chapter is guilty of an infraction. (Ord. 5810 § 34 (part); April 23, 2002.)