Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary (including but not limited to any definitional sections), Medical Marijuana Cultivation and/or Medical Marijuana Processing shall be prohibited in the City, except where the City is preempted by federal or state law from enacting a prohibition on any such activity. No use permit, variance, building permit, or any other entitlement, license, or permit, whether administrative or discretionary, shall be approved or issued for the activities of Medical Marijuana Cultivation or MedicalMarijuana Processing, and no person shall otherwise establish or conduct such activities in the City, except where the City is preempted by federal or state law from enacting a prohibition on any such activity for which the use permit, variance, building permit, or any other entitlement, license, or permit is sought. (Ord. 6354 § 1 (part); January 12, 2016.)