Neither the adoption of this title nor its superseding of any portion of any other ordinance of the City shall in any manner be construed to affect prosecution for violation of any other ordinance committed prior to the effective date hereof, nor be construed as a waiver of any license or any penal provision applicable to any such violation, nor be construed to affect the validity of any bond or cash deposit required by any ordinance to be posted, filed or deposited, and all rights and obligations thereunto appertaining shall continue in full force and effect.
   Where a business license for revenue purposes has been issued to any person by the City and the tax paid for the business for which the license has been issued under the provisions of any ordinance heretofore enacted and the term of such license has not expired, then the business tax prescribed for said business by this title shall not be payable until the expiration of the term of such unexpired business license. (Ord. 5368 § 1 (part); May 18, 1993.)