.010   The City Clerk is hereby designated and directed to post any public notices, agendas, and other matters required to be publicly posted pursuant to any applicable provision of the law including but not limited to agendas for regular meetings and other matters required to be posted pursuant to Sections 54954.2(a), 54956, and 54956.5 of the Government Code of the State of California.
   .020   Every agenda for regular meetings of the City Council shall provide an opportunity for members of the public to directly address the City Council on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council.
   .030   No resident or property owner within the City of Anaheim shall be denied the right to be heard by the City Council.
   .040   Unless otherwise waived by the City Council, the total amount of time allocated for public testimony on a particular issue shall not exceed ten minutes and the amount of time for each individual speaker shall not exceed three minutes.
   .050   The procedures and rules set forth in subsections .020, .030, and .040 above shall not apply to, nor be a limitation upon, any testimony given to the City Council in any hearing required by law. (Ord. 4787 § 1; December 16, 1987.)