.010   There are two levels of employee organization recognition, recognition for purposes of consultation and recognition for purposes of meeting and conferring. The City Management Representative shall grant recognition, in writing, for purposes of consultation in good faith for its members, to all employee organizations filing a petition seeking recognition for purposes of consultation and submitting all information and documentation required by Section 1.06.110 of this chapter.
   .020   If the City Management Representative finds that an employee organization has not complied with Section 1.06.110 of this chapter, he shall state the reasons and notify the employee organization that it will not be granted recognition for purposes of consultation.
   .030   The determination of whether or not an employee organization shall be granted recognition for purposes of consultation in good faith for its members shall be made by the City Management Representative within twenty working days after the date of the filing of the petition with the City Management Representative.
   .040   The City Management Representative shall determine the majority representative of City employees in an appropriate unit by arranging for a secret ballot election. The employee organization found to represent a majority of the employees in an appropriate unit shall be granted recognition for purposes of meeting and conferring in good faith within twenty working days after the date of the election, and shall be the only employee organization entitled to meet and confer in good faith on matters within the scope of representation for employees in such unit. This shall not preclude other recognized employee organizations, or individual employees, from consulting with City representatives on employer-employee relations matters of concern to them.
   .050   In cases where an employee organization has a Memorandum of Understanding in effect on June 15, 1972, and said employee organization and the City Management Representative have reached agreement on the appropriate unit or units covered by said Memorandum of Understanding, then the secret ballot election required by subsection .040 of this section shall not be applicable.
   .060   Said employee organization shall be granted recognition by the City Management Representative for purposes of meeting and conferring in good faith for the appropriate unit or units so determined.
   .070   The recognition rights of a majority representative in an appropriate unit designated in accordance with this section shall not be subject to challenge for a period of not less than twelve months following the date of such recognition or until the expiration of any Memorandum of Understanding, whichever is later; provided, that recognition rights may be challenged between one hundred twenty and one hundred fifty days prior to the expiration of a Memorandum of Understanding, and that no Memorandum of Understanding shall be construed to be a bar for a period of more than three years. Existing Memorandums of Understanding shall remain in effect even when the recognition rights of employee organizations are changed in accordance with the provisions of this section. (Ord. 3741 § 2; July 26, 1977; Ord. 3040 § 1 (part); May 16, 1972.)