As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
   .010   "Appropriate unit" means a unit established pursuant to Section 1.06.120 of this chapter.
   .020   "City" means the City of Anaheim, a municipal corporation, and where appropriate herein, "City" refers to the City Council, the governing body of the City.
   .030   "City Management Representative" means the City's principal management representative in all matters of employer-employee relations, or his or her duly authorized representative.
   .040   "Confidential employee" means any employee who is privy to information and decisions of management affecting employer-employee relations.
   .050   "Consult or consultation in good faith" means to communicate orally or in writing for the purpose of presenting and obtaining views and advising of intended actions related to employer-employee relations.
   .060   "Employee" means any person who is employed by the City except elected officials, members of boards and commissions, volunteers, consultants, and others rendering temporary professional services by contract.
   .070   "Employee organization" means any organization which has as members persons who are employed by the City and which has as its primary purpose representing such employees in their employment relations with the City.
   .080   "Employer-employee relations" means the relationship between the City and its employees and their employee organizations.
   .090   "Grievance" means as this term is defined in Section 1.06.140 of this chapter.
   .100   "Management employee" means:
   .1001   Any employee having significant responsibilities for formulating and administering City policies and programs, including but not limited to the City Manager, department heads, assistant department heads, division heads, assistant division heads, administrative staffs, police captains, police lieutenants, and fire battalion chiefs; and
   .1002   Any employee having authority to exercise independent judgment to appoint, transfer, suspend, lay-off, reinstate, promote, demote, dismiss, assign, reward, or discipline subordinate employees, or to adjust their grievances, or effectively to recommend such action.
   .110   "Meet and confer in good faith" means that the City Management Representative and other representatives as may be designated by the City Manager and representatives of recognized employee organizations, shall have the mutual obligation personally to meet and confer for a reasonable period of time in order to exchange freely information, opinions and proposals, and to endeavor to reach agreement on matters within the scope of representation.
   .120   "Memorandum of understanding" means a written memorandum on the agreement reached through meeting and conferring which shall not be binding.
   .130   "Peace officer" means as this term is defined in the California Penal Code.
   .140   "Professional employee" means employees engaged in work requiring specialized knowledge and skills attained through completion of a recognized course of instruction, such as attorneys, physicians, nurses, engineers, architects, planners, librarians, accountants, and various physical, chemical and biological scientists.
   .150   "Recognized employee organization" means an employee organization which has been formally acknowledged by the City Management Representative as an employee organization that represents employees of the City.
   .160   "Scope of representation" means all matters relating to employment conditions and employer-employee relations, including, but not limited to, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment, except, however, that the scope of representation shall not include consideration of any service or activity provided by law or administrative order. (Ord. 3040 § 1 (part); May 16, 1972; Ord. 5774 § 38; July 24, 2001.)