The Director of Finance shall have the power and shall be required to:
   (a)   Have charge of the administration of the financial affairs of the City under the direction of the City Manager, and be head of the Finance Department of the City.
   (b)   Assist the City Manager in the preparation and execution of the budget.
   (c)   Establish and maintain a system of financial procedures, accounts and controls for the City government and each of its offices, departments and agencies.
   (d)   Supervise and be responsible for the disbursement of all moneys and have control of all expenditures, except expenditures from funds under the control of any other City office or department as expressly authorized by resolution of the City Council, to insure that budget appropriations are not exceeded; audit all purchase orders before issuance; audit and approve before payment, all bills, invoices, payrolls, demands or charges against the City government; with the advice of the City Attorney, when necessary, determine the regularity, legality and correctness of such claims, demands or charges; and draw warrants upon the City Treasurer, or where such procedure is authorized by the City Council, prepare or approve wire transfers, electronic payments and checks or other negotiable instruments drawn upon a proper City depository for the approval of the City Treasurer and where required, the signatures or facsimile signatures of the City Treasurer and the Mayor, for all claims and demands audited and approved as in this Charter provided specifying the purpose for which drawn and the fund from which payment is to be made.
   (e)   See that all taxes, assessments, license fees and other revenues of the City, or for the collection of which the City is responsible, and all other money receivable by the City from the County, State or Federal Government, or from any court, office, department or agency of the City are collected.
   (f)   Submit to the City Council through the City Manager a monthly statement of all revenues and expenditures in sufficient detail to show the exact financial condition of the City; and, as of the end of each fiscal year, submit a complete financial statement and report.
   (g)   Supervise the keeping of current inventories of all property of the City by all City departments, offices and agencies.
   (h)   Perform such other duties consistent with this Charter as may be required. (Amended November 6, 1990, filed by Secretary of State, February 19, 1991; amended November 7, 2000, filed by Secretary of State February 6, 2001.)