(A)   The Historic Resources Survey lists, describes, and determines the eligibility of historic resources for listing in the Local Landmarks Register. Not all properties listed in the Historic Resources Survey are eligible for listing in the Local Landmarks Register. A property need not be first listed in the Historic Resources Survey before being nominated to the Local Landmark Register.
   (B)   The Committee shall determine and periodically revise priorities for the identification and evaluation of historic resources based on the community’s needs and interests.
      (1)   Surveyed properties shall be identified as Eligible/Significant (ES), Eligible/Contributing (EC), Non-Contributing (NC), or Not in Period (NP). Evaluation and documentation of properties in the Historic Resources Survey shall meet the requirements of the document “Guidelines for Historic Resources Surveys in Oregon, 2010” or most recent guidance for such efforts published by the SHPO and be supplied to the agency within six months of the completion of the study.
      (2)   The Historic Resources Survey shall be maintained as a public record with the exception of archaeological sites, which is prohibited by state law.
      (3)   The Historic Landmarks Committee shall be authorized to recommend all additions, deletions, and changes to the survey. Any addition, deletion, or change, including a reevaluation of the significance of any resource, shall conform to the requirements of this section.
(Ord. 638, passed 5-7-2014)