For the purpose of this chapter, Chapter 54, and Chapter 55, the following abbreviations mean:
(A) BOD5 - biochemical oxygen demand (five day);
(B) BMP - Best Management Practice;
(C) CFR - Code of Federal Regulations;
(D) CIU - categorical industrial user;
(E) COD - chemical oxygen demand;
(F) DEQ - Oregon Department of Environmental Quality;
(G) EDU - equivalent dwelling unit;
(H) EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency;
(I) GPD - Gallons per day;
(J) l - Liter;
(K) mg - milligram;
(L) mg/l - milligram per liter;
(M) NAICS - North American Industry Classification System;
(N) NH3 - Ammonia Nitrogen;
(O) NPDES - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System;
(P) ORS - Oregon Revised Statutes;
(Q) OSPSC - Oregon State Plumbing Specialty Code;
(R) POTW - publicly owned treatment works;
(S) RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act;
(T) SIC - Standard Industrial Classification;
(U) SNC - significant noncompliance;
(V) SWDA - Solid Waste Disposal Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 6901 et seq.;
(W) TP - total phosphorus;
(X) TSS - total suspended solids; and
(Y) USC - United States Code.