(A)   Adult use businesses-principal shall be a permitted conditional use in the I-1 Industrial District, as outlined in Chapter 150, and shall be subject to the following locational criteria:
      (1)   Adult use businesses-principal shall be located at least 350 radial feet, as measured in a straight line from the closest point of the main entrance of the building within which the adult use is located to the property line of:
         (a)   A zoning district in which residential uses are specifically listed as a permitted or conditional use;
         (b)   A licensed day-care center;
         (c)   A public or private educational facility classified as an elementary, junior high, or senior high;
         (d)   A public library;
         (e)   A public park;
         (f)   Another adult use-principal; and/or
         (g)   Any church or church-related organization.
      (2)   An on-sale liquor establishment or one in which the sale of wine or 3.2% malt liquor or the sale or service of set-ups to mix alcoholic drinks is permitted. No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed on the premises of the enterprise, establishment, business, or place.
      (3)   No adult use-principal shall be located in the same building or upon the same property as another adult use-principal or in any building which is also utilized for residential purposes.
      (4)   Adult use businesses-principal shall adhere to the following signing regulations in addition to the sign regulations of § 150.13:
         (a)   Sign messages shall be generic in nature and shall only identify the name of the business; and
         (b)   Signs shall comply with the requirements of size and number for the district in which they are located.
      (5)   An adult use business-principal shall be limited to 12:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. for its hours of operation. A differing time schedule may be approved by the City Council, if it can be satisfactorily demonstrated by the operator to the City Council that all the following will apply:
         (a)   Not adversely impact or affect uses or activities within 350 feet;
         (b)   Will not result in increased policing and related service calls;
         (c)   Is critical to the operation of the business.
      (6)   All entrances to the business, with the exception of emergency fire exits which are not useable by patrons to enter the business, shall be visible from a public right-of-way.
      (7)   The layout of the display areas shall be designed so that the management of the establishment and any law enforcement personnel inside the store can observe all patrons while they have access to any merchandise offered for sale or viewing including but not limited to books, magazines, photographs, video tapes, DVD’s, or any other material.
      (8)   Illumination of the premises exterior shall be adequate to observe the location and activities of all persons on the exterior premises.
   (B)   Additional site criteria, such as parking and screening criteria, shall be as set forth in Chapter 150.
(Ord. 117, passed 5-6-2002) Penalty, see § 10.99