The remaining sections in this chapter are and represent amendments and additions to the requirements contained in the International Building Code (hereinafter known as the IBC), International Residential Code (hereinafter known as the IRC), and International Existing Building Code (hereinafter known as the IEBC), and where their requirements conflict with those of the International Building Code, International Residential Code, and International Existing Building Code, the requirements of this chapter shall prevail. The sections listed below shall be construed in the context of the enumerated chapter or chapters of the IBC, IRC, and IEBC.
1.   Section R101.2 (IRC) Exceptions to Scope    
2.   Section 101.4 (IBC) Referenced Codes   
3.   Section 103 (IBC & IEBC) and Section R103 (IRC) Department Established    
4.   Section 105.2 (IBC & IEBC) and Section R105.2 (IRC) Work Exempt from Permit    
5.   Section 105.5 (IBC & IEBC) and Section R105.5 (IRC) Expiration    
6.   Section 109 (IBC), Section 108 (IEBC), and Section R108 (IRC) Fees    
7.   Section 111.1 (IBC) and Section R110.1 (IRC) Certificates of Occupancy    
8.   Section R111 (IRC) Service Utilities    
9.   Section 202 (IBC) and Section R202 (IRC) Definitions    
10.   Table R301.2(1) Climate and Geographical Table    
11.   Section R301.6 (IRC) and Section 1608.2 (IBC) Snow Load    
12.   Section R302.1 (IRC) Exterior Walls    
13.   Section R302.6 (IRC) Dwelling/Garage Fire Separation    
14.   Section 302.7 (IEBC) Fire Protection    
15.   Section R303.3 (IRC) Bathrooms    
16.   Section R303.9 (IRC) Required Heating    
17.   Section R305 (IRC) Ceiling Height    
18.   Section 308.5.4 (IBC) Daycare Facilities    
19.   Section R309.5 (IRC) Fire Sprinklers    
20.   Section R310.1 (IRC) Emergency Escape and Rescue Opening Required    
21.   Section 310.4.1 (IBC) Care Facilities Within a Dwelling    
22.   Section R310.1 (IRC) and Section 1030.3 (IBC) Requirements for Egress Window Landings    
23.   Section R310.5 (IRC) Emergency Escape Windows under Decks and Porches    
24.   Section R311.3.2 (IRC) Floor Elevations for Other Exterior Doors    
25.   Section 311.7.5.1 (IRC) Risers    
26.   Section R311.7.8.2 (IRC) Handrail Continuity    
27.   Section R313.1 (IRC) Townhouse Sprinkler Systems    
28.   Section R313.2 (IRC) One and Two Family Sprinkler Systems    
29.   Section R326 (IRC) Residential Swimming Pools, Spas, and Hot Tubs    
30.   Table R403.1 (IRC) and Table 1809.7 (IBC) Foundations for Stud Bearing Walls.    
31.   Section R403.1.4.1 (IRC) Frost Protection for Decks    
32.   Section 1809.5 (IBC) and Section R403.1.4.1 (IRC) Frost Protection for Accessory Structures    
33.   Section R404.1 (IRC) Concrete and Masonry Foundation Walls    
34.   Section R404. (IRC) Foundation Walls for Conventional Light Frame Construction    
35.   Section R404.4 (IRC) & 1807.2 (IBC) Retaining Walls    
36.   Section 406.3.2.1 (IBC) Dwelling Unit Separation    
37.   Section 423.4 (IBC) Storm Shelters    
38.   Section 903.2.3 (IBC) Group E Day Care Facilities    
39.   Section 903.2.6 (IBC) Group I    
40.   Section 903.2.8.4 (IBC) Care Facilities.    
41.   Section 903. (IBC) Basements    
42.   Section 903. (IBC) Attics in Multi-Family Structures    
43.   Section 907.2.10 (IBC) Single and Multiple Station Smoke Alarms    
44.   Section 905.3.1 #1 - Height    
45.   Section 905.3 (IBC) Excessive Distance    
46.   Section 907.1 (IBC) Fire Alarm Control Panels    
47.   Section 907.2.10 (IBC) Single and Multiple Station Smoke Alarms    
48.   Section 907.6.4 (IBC) Zones    
49.   Section 907.6.6 (IBC) Monitoring    
50.   Section 1008.3.3 (IBC) Rooms and Spaces    
51.   Section 1009.2 (IBC) Continuity and Components    
52.   Section 1010.1.6.1 (IBC) Frost Protection    
53.   Section 1013.1.1 (IBC) Additional Exit Signage    
54.   Section 1014.4 (IBC) Handrail Continuity    
55.   Section 1015.9 (IBC) Retaining Walls    
56.   Section 1028.5.1 (IBC) Hard Surfaces    
57.   Section 1029.5 (IBC) Window Well Drainage    
58.   Chapter 11 (IRC) and Chapter 13 (IBC) Energy Provisions    
59.   Section 1106 (IEBC) Storm Shelters    
60.   Section 1207.2 (IBC) Minimum Ceiling Heights    
61.   Section M1502.4.2 (IRC) Duct Installation    
62.   Section 1609.2 (IBC) Ground Snow Load    
63.   Section P2603.5 (IRC) Water Service Depth    
64.   Section P2719.1 (IRC) Floor Drains    
65.   Section P2801.1 (IRC) Water Heater Floor Drain    
66.   Section 2902.6 (IBC) Small Occupancies    
67.   Section P2903.7 (IRC) Minimum Water Service Pipe Size    
68.   Section P2904.1.1 (IRC) Required Sprinkler Locations    
69.   Section P3005.4.2 (IRC) Building Sewer    
70.   Section P3008.1 (IRC) Backwater Valves    
71.   Section P3303 (IRC) Secondary Storm Sewer    
72.   Section 3401.4 (IRC) Additions and Alterations    
73.   Section E4201.2 (IRC) Definitions    
74.   Section 3109 (IBC) Swimming Pools   
1.   SCOPE. Section R101.2 Exception of the IRC shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
Exception: The following shall be permitted to be constructed in accordance with this code.
1.   Live/work units within detached one and two-family dwellings and townhouses that comply with the requirements of Section 419 of the International Building Code.
2.   Owner-occupied lodging houses with five or fewer guestrooms
3.   A care facility with eight (8) or fewer persons receiving custodial care within a dwelling unit.
4.   A group day care home or a family day care home for 12 or fewer children receiving care that are within a dwelling unit.
5.   An intermediate care facility located within a dwelling unit providing care on a 24 hour basis for three (3) or more, but less than eight (8) persons.
2.   REFERENCED CODES. Section 101.4 Referenced Codes of the IBC shall be amended as follows:
Section 101.4.1 Gas shall be amended by adding the following section:
Section Conflict. Where the requirements of the IFGC conflict with the provisions of the Iowa Administrative Code 661- Chapter 221 Fuel Gas Piping, or 661- Chapter 226 Liquefied Petroleum Gas, the Iowa Administrative Code shall be followed.
Section 101.4.3 Plumbing shall be amended by adding the following:
The Uniform Plumbing Code as adopted by the State of Iowa is recognized as an alternative method of compliance for the installation of plumbing systems.
The reference to the International Private Sewage Disposal Code shall be deleted, and replaced with Polk County Health Department.
3.   DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHED; DIRECTOR APPOINTED. Section 103 of the IBC and IEBC, and R103 of the IRC is deleted and replaced with the following:
There is hereby established in the City the Department of Building Safety, which shall be under the direction and supervision of the Building and Zoning Official. The Building Official shall be responsible to the Community Development Director for the enforcement of the Building Codes, and such other ordinances as shall assign the Building Official that function, and shall perform such other duties as may be required by the Community Development Director or by any classification plan adopted by the City.
The Building Official shall have the authority to appoint staff members and delegate duties to those staff members. The Building Official shall submit a report to the Community Development Director not less than once a year, covering the work of the department during the preceding period and shall incorporate in that report a summary of recommendations as to desirable amendments to this code.
The Building Official shall keep a permanent, accurate account of all fees and other moneys collected and received under this code, the names of the persons upon whose account the same were paid, the date and amount thereof, together with the location of the building or premises to which they relate.
The titles Director of Building, Building and Zoning Official, and Building Official, as used herein, are synonymous and may be used interchangeably.
4.   WORK EXEMPT FROM PERMIT. Subsection 105.2 Building: of the IBC and IEBC, and R105.2 Building: of the IRC shall be amended by deleting the sections, and replacing with the following:
A building permit shall not be required for the following. Exemption from the permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction.
1.   One-story detached accessory structures used as tool or storage sheds and similar uses, provided the projected floor area does not exceed 40 square feet in area and complies with all applicable zoning requirements. Such building must be located at least three (3) feet from any property line and/or the easement width and six (6) feet into the rear yard from any principle structure in an A-1, R-1, R-2, R-4 and One & Two family dwellings in an R-3 and R-5 Zoning District. Setbacks for all other Zoned Districts shall comply with the applicable zoning regulations as adopted by the City of Altoona, Code of Ordinances.
2.   Movable and non-fixed cases, racks, fixtures, counters and partitions not over five (5) feet nine (9) inches high.
3.   Retaining walls which are not over four (4) feet in height, measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, II, or IIIA liquids.
4.   Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons and the ratio of height or diameter or width does not exceed two to one.
5.   Residential Wading Pools.
6.   Swings, playhouses, and other playground equipment.
7.   Sidewalks and driveways not more than 30 inches above adjacent grade, and not over any basement or story below and are not part of an accessible route.
8.   Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops and similar finish work.
9.   Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenery.
10.   Window awnings supported by an exterior wall that do not require additional support for IRC structures, Group R, and U occupancies when projecting not more than 54 inches.
11.   Amusement Rides (for the purposes of this exemption, accessory structures serving amusement rides and other structures located within the confines of an amusement ride theme park are not considered an amusement ride).
12.   Mobile or manufactured residential buildings (not including the structural support systems and associated structures such as decks, exterior landings and stairs) which are:
   A.   Located in an authorized mobile home park or similar development, and
   B.   Installed in a manner complying with the State Building Code, said installation to be certified in the manner specified by the State Building Code Commissioner.
13.   Minor maintenance and repair work that is deemed by the building official not to affect structural strength, safety, fire resistance, or sanitation, provided that no such work shall be performed in a manner contrary to any provisions of this code or any other laws.
Unless otherwise exempted, separate plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits will be required when appropriate for the above exempted items. Exemption from the permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of the code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction.
5.   EXPIRATION. Subsection 105.5 of the IBC and IEBC, and R105.5 of the IRC shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
105.5    Expiration. Every permit, except a demolition permit, issued by the building official under the provision of the building code shall expire under any one of the following conditions:
1.   Failure to begin work authorized within 180 days after issuance of the permit.
2.   Suspension or abandonment of work for 120 days after commencement of the work. Time of occurrence of suspension or abandonment of work shall be computed from the date of the most recent inspection since which no progress has been made.
3.   Failure to complete work on a structure designed for residential uses within one year after issuance of a permit.
4.   Failure to complete work on a structure designed for commercial or industrial uses within two years after issuance of a permit. For permits with a valuation exceeding $10,000,000.00 work shall be completed within three years after issuance of a permit.
Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of the time within which he or she may commence or continue work. The building official is authorized to grant, in writing, for periods not more than 180 days each, two extensions. The extension shall be requested in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated. Any of the extensions may be further extended by action of the city council. In all cases, when a renewal is granted the structure for which the permit is required shall comply with code requirements in effect at the time the permit is renewed.
6.   FEES. Section 109 of the IBC, Section 108 of the IEBC, and Section R108 of the IRC are deleted and replaced with the following:
1.   Permit Fees:   
   A.   A fee for each building permit shall be paid to the building official in the amount set forth in the Schedule of Fees as adopted by the city council. Building permit fees are figured on valuation. Valuation is figured by totaling square footage according to type of building or value of project. The amounts used to determine the valuation shall be set by the Building Official as determined necessary but not to exceed more than once in 12 month period typically beginning in January/February of each year. No building permits shall be issued to any person who has fees outstanding as required by this code or any other laws or ordinances of the City.
   B.   The determination of value or valuation under any of the provisions of the building code shall be made by the building official. The valuation to be used in computing the permit and plan-check fees shall be the total value of all construction work for which the permit is issued, as well as all finish work, painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, elevators, fire extinguishing systems and any other permanent work or permanent equipment. A fee for each building permit shall be paid to the building official in the amount set forth in the Schedule of Fees as adopted by the City Council.
   C.   If a permit is issued for a specific amount of work and, upon inspection, it is determined that more work was performed than was authorized by the permit, the permittee shall amend the permit or obtain another permit to include all additional work and shall pay a new base fee and any unit fees as described in paragraph A above.
   D.   Permits and Fees for mechanical, plumbing, and electrical work shall meet the requirements of Ordinances 156, 157, and/or 158 respectively.
2.   Additional permit fees are as follows:
   A.   Plan Check Fees: Plan Check Fees shall be in the amount set forth in the Schedule of Fees as adopted by the City Council.
   B.   Sidewalks and Approaches: Sidewalks and approaches shall be constructed with all new buildings. All approaches must be minimum 6 inches thick concrete from street to property line. Fees for sidewalks and approaches shall be in the amount set forth in the Schedule of Fees as adopted by the City Council.
   C.   Foundations: The fee for a permit to construct only a foundation shall be 150% of the fee in the amount set forth in the Schedule of Fees as adopted by the City Council. For purposes of this determination, the valuation of the foundation shall be considered to be ten percent (10%) of the total building valuation.
   D.   Accessibility Review Fee. A fee in the amount set forth in the Schedule of Fees as adopted by the City Council shall be charged for the review of plans in accordance with Sec 661-16.303 of the Iowa Administrative Code and Chapter 11 of the IBC for handicap accessibility provisions. The review fee shall not be required for construction for and associated with one and two family dwellings and for projects with an assessed value of construction of less than $2,000.00.
   E.   Thermal Efficiency Standards. In addition to other fees required in this section, a fee in the amount set forth in the Schedule of Fees as adopted by the City Council shall be paid to the Building Official for the review of plans and inspection of construction for compliance with the thermal efficiency standards of the Iowa State Building Code.
   F.   Double Fee. Except in emergency situations, as determined by the Building Official, where work for which a building permit is required by this code is started or proceeded with by any person prior to obtaining a required permit, the fees in the amount set forth in the Schedule of Fees as adopted by the City Council shall be doubled. The payment of such double fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of this code in the execution of the work or from any other penalties prescribed herein. No additional permits of any type shall be issued to any person who owes the City the double fee described in this subsection. However, no double fee shall be imposed upon any person who starts without a permit if:
The work is started on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, or during any other day when the Building Department is not normally open for business, and the person secures the proper permit on the next Building Department working day.
G.   Refunds. If, within 30 days of the date of issuance, the holder of a building permit decides not to commence the work described in said permit, said person may, upon application to the Building Official, be refunded that portion of the permit fee which is in excess of the permit refund fee in as set forth in the Schedule of Fees as adopted by the City Council.
   H.   Fees for Permit Renewals as stated in Section 155.07 shall be based on the percentage of valuation of remaining work to be performed provided the plans are not changed. If the plans are changed enough to warrant a review then the permit fee shall be ½ the cost of the original fee plus any fees as set forth in subsection J of this code section.
* Or the hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is greater. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, hourly wages, and fringe benefits of the employees involved.
   I.   Reinspections. A reinspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or reinspection when such portion of work for which inspection is called is not complete or when corrections called for are not made. This section is not to be interpreted as requiring reinspection fees the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of this code, but as controlling the practice of calling for inspections before the job is ready for such inspection or reinspection. Reinspection fees may be assessed when the approved plans are not readily available to the inspector, for failure to provide access on the date for which inspection is requested, or for deviating from plans requiring the approval of the building official. To obtain a reinspection, the applicant shall pay the reinspection fee as set forth in the Schedule of Fees as adopted by the City Council. In instances where reinspection fees have been assessed, no additional inspection of the work will be performed until the required fees have been paid.
   J.   Other Inspections and Fees: See the schedule of fees as adopted by City Council.
Persons performing work for the Federal Government, the State, the county or city may obtain permits for such work without paying the permit fees described herein; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt payment of permit fees by persons performing work under the direction of the City in connection with the abatement of any public law.
An expired permit may not be reissued without a permit fee except by resolution of the City Council.
7.   CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY. Section 111.1 of the IBC and Section R110.1 of the IRC is amended by adding the following:
On all new construction, all necessary drives, public sidewalks and approaches are to be installed before a Permanent Certificate of Occupancy is issued. For the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy due to winter conditions for structures built under the IRC, a concrete driveway from the street to the garage, a private sidewalk consisting of an impervious surface connecting the driveway to the main entrance, and code compliant stairways and landings to the main entrance shall be installed. All public concrete sidewalks placed over sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water ditches shall have not less than two (2) number four (4) re-rods twenty feet (20) long. All public sidewalks and approaches shall also meet the requirements of the Statewide Urban Design and Specifications and Chapter 175 as well as Chapters 136 and 137 of the Municipal Code as adopted by the city.
8.   SERVICE UTILITIES. IRC Section R111 shall be amended by adding subsection R111.4.
R111.4 Service Lines. All electrical lines not exceeding 15,000 volts and all telephone and cablevision service lines, as well as other utility lines serving any new building or structure, including signs and billboards, requiring permanent electrical service shall be placed underground unless a waiver from such is approved by the Building and Engineering Departments. The provisions of this section shall not apply to existing buildings or additions to such buildings (unless said addition requires the utility service provider to upgrade the entire system from the transformer to the structure). Nothing in this section shall be deemed to apply to temporary service when defined as such by the utility provider.
9.   DEFINITIONS. Section 202 IBC and IEBC, and section R202 IRC shall be amended by including the following definitions:
BARRIER. A non-climbable fence, wall, building wall, or other approved structure, or combination thereof, which completely surrounds the swimming pool, residential swimming pool, wading pool, hot tub, or spa, and obstructs access to the same. The barrier shall be equipped with self-closing and self-latching pedestrian gates.
BEDROOM. Any room designed for and potentially used for sleeping purposes at the present time and/or in the future. Bedrooms shall meet all the minimum provisions of this code to include an emergency escape and rescue opening, and a permanently powered dual sensor smoke alarm device with battery backup. For the purpose of this chapter “bedroom(s) and sleeping room(s) shall be synonymous with each other.”
FIRE AREA. The aggregate floor area enclosed and bounded by fire walls, fire barriers, exterior walls, or a rated horizontal assembly.
RESIDENTIAL SWIMMING POOL. A water filled enclosure accessory to a one or two family dwelling or townhouse structure, that is portable or permanently constructed, intended for swimming or recreational bathing that has the ability to contain water more than 24 inches (610 mm) in depth. This includes in-ground, aboveground, and on-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and spas.
RESIDENTIAL WADING POOL. A water filled enclosure accessory to a one or two family dwelling or townhouse structure, that is portable or permanently constructed, intended for swimming or recreational bathing that does not have the ability to contain water more than 24 inches (610 mm) in depth. This includes in-ground, aboveground, and on-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and spas.
SPECULATIVE BUILDING. A strip mall, warehouse, or other structure where the final occupancy group of the building is not known at the time of permitting.
SWIMMING POOL. A water filled enclosure that is portable or permanently constructed, intended for swimming or recreational bathing that has the ability to contain water more than 24 inches (610 mm) in depth, and is not defined as a residential swimming pool. This includes in-ground, aboveground, and on-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and spas.
WADING POOL. A water filled enclosure that is portable or permanently constructed, intended for swimming or recreational bathing that does not have the ability to contain water more than 24 inches (610 mm) in depth, and is not defined a s a residential wading pool. This includes in-ground, aboveground, and on-ground swimming pools, hot tubs and spas.
10.   CLIMATE AND GEOGRAPHICAL CRITERIA. Amend IRC Table R301.2(1) to read as follows:
Ground Snow Load
Wind Design
Seismic Design Category
Subject to Damage From
Flood Hazards
Air Freezing Index
Mean Annual Temp
Speed MPH
Topograph Effects
Frost line Depth
Design Temp
Ice Barrier Req’d
NFIP Acceptance
Zone C
30 PSF
Mod/ Heavy
10-Nov-82 – No local amendments.
11.   SNOW LOAD. For purposes of determining snow loads as required in Section 1608.2 of the IBC and Section R301.6 of the IRC, the minimum ground snow load for design purposes shall be 30 pounds per square foot. Subsequent increases or decreases shall be allowed as otherwise provided in this code, except that the minimum allowable flat roof snow load may be reduced to not less than 80 percent of the ground snow load.
12.   EXTERIOR WALLS. Section R302.1 IRC shall be amended by retaining the exceptions, but replacing section 302.1 and Table 302.1(2) with the following:
R302.1 Exterior Walls. Construction, projections, openings and penetrations of exterior walls of dwellings shall comply with Table R302.1(1); Accessory structures or dwellings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section P2904 shall comply with Table 302.1(2), amended as follows:
TABLE 302.1(2)
Exterior Wall Element
Minimum Fire-Resistance Rating
Minimum Fire Separation Distance
Exterior Wall Element
Minimum Fire-Resistance Rating
Minimum Fire Separation Distance
Building Walls
Dwelling with Fire Sprinklers Fire Resistance Rating
1-hour tested in accordance with ASMT E 119, or UL 263, or Section 703.3 of the International Building Code with exposure from the outside
< 3 feet
Accessory Structures Fire Resistance Rating
1-hour tested in accordance with ASMT E 119, or UL 263, or Section 703.3 of the International Building Code with exposure from the inside
< 3 feet
Not Fire Resistance rated
> 3 feet
Not Allowed
< 2 feet
Building Projections
Dwelling with Fire Sprinklers Fire Resistance Rated
1 hour on the underside, heavy timber, or fire retardant treated wood.
> 2 foot
Accessory Structures Fire Resistance Rating
0 hours
> 2 foot
Non Fire Resistance Rated
0 hours
> 3 foot
Openings in walls
Not Allowed
<3 feet
> 3 foot
Comply with Section R302.4
< 3 feet
None Required
> 3 feet
13.   DWELLING GARAGE FIRE SEPARATION. Section R302.6 and Table R302.6 (IRC) shall be deleted and replaced with the following: “The garage shall be completely separated from the dwelling unit by 5/8” type X gypsum board applied to the adjoining walls and the garage ceiling. Any structural element supporting a garage roof ceiling or floor ceiling assembly above shall be enclosed with 5/8” type X gypsum board. Openings in garage walls shall comply with section R302.5.” 
14.   FIRE PROTECTION. Section 302 of the IEBC shall be amended by adding the following sub-section:
302.7    Fire Protection. Existing buildings containing R-1 or R-2 occupancies shall be made to comply with the International Building Code section 903.2.8 during reconstruction after fire damage to 20% of existing dwelling/sleeping units, not including smoke or water damage or other damage from fire-fighting operations.
15.   BATHROOMS. Section R303.3 (IRC) shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
Section R303.3 Bathrooms. Bathrooms shall be provided with a mechanical ventilation system. The minimum ventilation rates shall be 50 cfm for intermittent ventilation or 20 cfm for continuous ventilation. Ventilation air from the space shall be exhausted directly to the outside.
Exception: Toilet rooms containing only a water closet and/or lavatory may be provided with a recirculating fan.
16.   REQUIRED HEATING. Section R303.10 (IRC) shall be amended by adding the following exception:
Exception: Sunrooms are not required to be provided heating or cooling facilities, however the existing building in which the sunroom is attached is required to maintain its thermal envelope.
17.   CEILING HEIGHT. Section R305 (IRC) shall be amended by adding the following section:
R305.1.2 Existing basements. Existing basements with either a non-finished or finished ceiling height of less than the heights as required by sections R305.1 or R305.1.1 are considered non-conforming. The finishing of basements that are considered non-conforming is allowed as long as the non-conforming height isn’t decreased more than the minimal measurement allowed in order to apply a finished ceiling of gypsum board or acoustical ceiling tiles. Basements not meeting the minimum height requirements of section R305.1 or 305.1.1 shall only install recessed fixtures, except smoke detectors, and no ceiling mounted fans shall be allowed.
18.   DAYCARE FACILITIES. Section 308.5.4 (IBC) shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
308.5.4 Eight or fewer persons receiving care in a dwelling unit. A facility such as the above within a dwelling unit and having eight or fewer persons receiving custodial care shall be classified as a group R-3 occupancy or shall comply with the International Residential Code.
1.   A group day care home or a family day care home for 12 or fewer children receiving care that are within a dwelling unit are permitted to comply with the International Residential Code.
2.   A care facility located within a dwelling unit providing care on a 24 hour basis for three (3) or more, but less than eight (8) persons.
19.   FIRE SPRINKLERS. Section R309.5 shall be amended by replacing the word “shall” in the first sentence with the word “may”
20.   EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENING REQUIRED. Section R310.1 shall be amended by deleting Exception #2
21.   CARE FACILITIES WITHIN A DWELLING. Section 310.4.1 (IBC) shall be amended by deleting the section and replacing with the following:
310.4.1 Care facilities within a dwelling. Care facilities for eight or fewer persons receiving care that are within a single-family dwelling are permitted to comply with the International Residential Code.
22.   REQUIREMENTS FOR EGRESS WINDOW LANDINGS. Section R310.2.2 (IRC) and Section 1030.3 (IBC) shall be amended by adding the following to the end of the sections to state as follows:
Where a landing is provided for egress windows in new and existing construction of Group R occupancies/One and Two family Dwellings when the maximum height requirement cannot be met as stated in Section 1030.3 or Section R310.2.2 shall have a minimum width of 36 inches, a minimum depth of 12 inches and a maximum height of 24 inches. The landing shall be permanently affixed to the floor below or the wall under the window it serves.
23.   EMERGENCY ESCAPE WINDOWS UNDER DECKS AND PORCHES. Section 310.2.4 (IRC) shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
310.2   .4 Emergency escape and rescue openings under decks and porches. Emergency escape and rescue openings installed under decks and porches shall be fully openable and provide a path not less than 36 inches (914 mm) in width and height to a yard or court. Cantilevered areas of all construction elements shall meet the requirements of this section as stated for decks and porches.
24.   FLOOR ELEVATIONS FOR OTHER EXTERIOR DOORS. Section R311.3.2 (IRC) exception shall be amended by deleting and replacing with the following:
A landing is not required where a stairway of four or fewer risers is located on the exterior side of the door, provided the door does not swing over the stairway.
25.   RISERS. Section R311.7.5.1 (IRC) shall be amended by adding exception #3 as follows:
3.   The dimension of the top and bottom riser of a stair may vary up to 1-inch (25.4 mm) from the other stairway riser dimension; however, in no case shall the riser height exceed seven and three-quarter inches.
26.   HANDRAIL CONTINUITY. The following shall be added at the end of section R311.7.8.4:
“Handrails within a Dwelling Unit, One and Two family, or Townhouse Dwelling, shall be permitted to be interrupted at one location in a straight stair when the rail terminates into a wall or ledge, is offset, and immediately continues.
27. TOWNHOUSE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS. Section R313.1 Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler systems shall be amended by deleting and replacing with the following:
313.1    Townhouse automatic fire sprinkler systems. An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in townhouses.
1.   An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be required where additions or alterations are made to existing townhouses that do not have an automatic residential fire sprinkler system installed.
2.   Townhouse structures that contain eight (8) or less dwelling units.
3.   Townhouse structures less than eighteen thousand (18,000) square feet floor space, exclusive of any garages.
28.   ONE AND TWO FAMILY SPRINKLER SYSTEMS. Section R313.2 One and two-family dwellings automatic fire systems shall be amended by deleting and replacing with the following:
313.2 One- and two-family dwelling automatic fire sprinkler systems. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one and two-family dwellings.
1.   An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall not be required where additions or alterations are made to existing buildings that are not already provided with an automatic residential fire sprinkler system.
2.   One-and two-family dwellings containing less than eight thousand (8,000) square feet of floor space per fire area, excluding attached garages or unenclosed areas.
29.   RESIDENTIAL SWIMMING POOLS, SPAS, AND HOT TUBS. Section R326 shall be amended by deleting the section and replacing with the following:
R326.1 General. The design and construction of residential pools and spas shall comply with IBC Section 3109.3.1 as amended by this ordinance, and the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC). Where any conflict arises between the ISPSC and IBC Section 3109.3.1, Section 3109.3.1 shall prevail.
30.   FOUNDATIONS FOR STUD BEARING WALLS. The following table is substituted for Table 1809.7 of the IBC and Table R403.1 of the IRC: 
Table 1809.7/Table R403.1 Foundations For Stud Bearing Walls
Number of Stories
Thickness of Foundation Walls
Minimum width of Footings (inches)*
Thickness of Footings (inches)
Minimum Depth of Foundation Below Natural Surface of Ground and Finish Grade (inches)
Footings shall contain continuous reinforcement of 2 – ½” diameter rebar throughout. Placement of reinforcement and concrete shall meet the requirements of Chapter 19 of the International Building Code.
31.   FROST PROTECTION FOR DECKS. Section R403.1.4.1 shall be amended by deleting exception #3 and replacing with the following:
3.   Decks less than 30" above grade (measured at any point within 36" horizontally to the edge of any side), and not supported by a dwelling, shall not require footings that extend below the frost line.
32.   FROST PROTECTION FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES. Section 1809.5 of the IBC and Section R403.1.4.1 of the IRC shall be amended by deleting the exception in the IBC and deleting exceptions #1 and #2 in the IRC, and replacing with the following:
1.   The Building Official may approve slab-on-grade foundation designs for wood or metal frame residential accessory structures over 160 square feet to not exceeding 1,024 square feet, without additional engineering, providing the design meets all of the following:
   A.   Foundations supporting wood shall extend at least six inches above the adjacent finish grade. The grade shall be removed to a depth sufficient enough for all vegetation to be absent and soils to be stable enough to support the slab load, 3,000# concrete mix shall be used.
   B.   The entire perimeter of the foundation shall be provided with a thickened portion of slab with cross section dimensions of 12 inches minimum width and 16 12 inches minimum thickness.
   C.   The slab floor shall be a minimum of 4 inches thick concrete with 6" x 6" reinforcing mesh or #4 reinforcing bars 24" on center front-to-back and side- to-side. The thickened portion of the slab shall also contain two #4 rebar, one near the top and one near the bottom continuously with ends of rebar overlapping each other at least 15 inches.
   D.   Slab floor and thickened edge shall be one continuous pour, interconnected with reinforcing.
   E.   Vertical distance from the top of the foundation floor to the lowest point of the footing base shall not be more than 24 inches.”
2.   Structures supported on skids or post construction, with a total area of less than 240 sq. ft.
33.   CONCRETE AND MASONRY FOUNDATION WALLS. Section R404.1 shall be amended by adding the following to the end of the existing text:
If backfill prior to a poured in place floor slab is desired, one of the following methods to provide bottom lateral support shall be completed: (1) a full depth (minimum 1-1/2”) nominal 2” x 4” keyway may be formed into the footings to secure the bottom of the foundation wall -or- (2) 36” long vertical # 4 rebar may be embedded a minimum of 6” into the footings not to exceed 7’ on center spacing.
34.   FOUNDATION WALLS FOR CONVENTIONAL LIGHT FRAME CONSTRUCTION. Section R404.1.3 shall be amended by adding the following section R404. and Table R404.
Section R404. Foundation Walls for Conventional Light Frame Wood Construction constructed with concrete and masonry foundation walls shall be permitted to be designed in accordance with Table R403. Foundation Walls for Conventional Light Frame Construction
Table R404. Foundation Walls for Conventional Light Frame Construction
Height of Foundation Wall (Net measured from top of basement slab to top of foundation wall)*
Thickness of Foundation Walls
Reinforcement type and placement within Foundation Wall**
Reinforcement type and placement within Foundation Wall**
(12’ span between corners and supporting cross walls.)
Type of Mortar
Height of Foundation Wall (Net measured from top of basement slab to top of foundation wall)*
Thickness of Foundation Walls
Reinforcement type and placement within Foundation Wall**
Reinforcement type and placement within Foundation Wall**
(12’ span between corners and supporting cross walls.)
Type of Mortar
7’ 8”
7 ½”
3 – ½” diameter bars with placement in the top, middle, and bottom
0.075 square inch bar 8’ o.c. vertically in fully grouted cells. If block is 12” nominal thickness, may be unreinforced.
Type M or S. Grout & Mortar shall meet provisions of Chapter 21
8’ 8”
See Chapter 18
½” bars 2’ o.c. horizontally & 20” vertically o.c.
(5/8” bars 2’ o.c. horizontally & 30” vertically o.c.)
See Chapter 18
Same as above
9’ 8”
See Chapter 18
See Chapter 18
Same as above
*Concrete floor slab to be minimum 4”. If such floor slab is not provided, a specially designed means of providing lateral support at the bottom of the wall shall be required.
** All reinforcement bars shall meet ASTM A615 grade 40 and be deformed. Placement of bars shall be in center of wall and meet the provisions of 18, 19, and 21 of the IBC.
NOTE: Cast in place concrete shall have a compressive strength of 3,000 lbs @ 28 days. Footings shall contain continuous reinforcement of 2 – ½” diameter rebar throughout. Placement of reinforcement and concrete shall meet the requirements of Chapter 19 of the IBC.
NOTE: Material used for backfilling shall be carefully placed granular soil of average or high permeability and shall be drained with an approved drainage system as prescribed in Section 1805.4 of the IBC. Where soils containing a high percentage of clay, fine silt or similar materials of low permeability or expansive soils are encountered or where backfill materials are not drained or an unusually high surcharge is to be placed adjacent to the wall, a specially designed wall shall be required.
35.   RETAINING WALLS. Section 1807.2 of the IBC, and Section R404.4 of the IRC shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
Retaining Walls. Retaining walls that are not laterally supported at the top and that retain in excess of 48 inches (1219 mm) of unbalanced fill shall require engineered plans to ensure stability against overturning, sliding, excessive foundation pressure and water uplift. Multi-level retaining wall designs where the landing area is less than 8’ from the back of one wall to the face of the next wall, the multi-level wall system shall be considered one wall for the purpose of this section. Retaining walls shall be designed for a safety factor of 1.5 against lateral sliding and overturning. This section shall not apply to foundation walls supporting buildings.
36.   DWELLING UNIT SEPARATION. Section 406.3.2.1 IBC shall be amended by deleting and replacing with the following:
406.3.2.1 Dwelling unit separation. The private garage shall be separated from the dwelling unit and its attic area by means of minimum 5/8 inch type “X” fire code gypsum board or equivalent throughout. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated by not less than 5/8 inch type “X” fire code gypsum board or equivalent throughout. Door openings between a private garage and the dwelling unit shall be equipped with either solid wood doors or solid or honeycomb core steel doors not less than 1 3/8 inch thick, or doors in compliance with 716.5.3. Openings from a private garage directly into a room used for sleeping purposes shall not be permitted. Doors shall be self-closing and self-latching.
37. STORM SHELTERS. Section 423.4 (IBC) Group E Occupancies shall be amended by deleting the section and replacing with the following:
423.4    Group E Occupancies. In areas where the shelter design wind speed for tornados is 250 mph in accordance with Figure 304.2(1) of ICC 500, all Group E occupancies with an occupant load of 50 or more shall have a storm shelter constructed in accordance with Chapters 1-5 & 8 of ICC 500. Storm shelters shall be provided with an emergency lighting system. The emergency lighting system shall provide an average of 1 foot-candle (11 lux) of illumination in occupied shelter areas, and any means of egress pathways. The emergency lighting shall be capable of providing a duration of not less than 2 hours of required illumination.
1.   Group E day care facilities.
2.   Group E occupancies accessory to places of religious worship.
3.   Buildings meeting the requirements for shelter design in ICC 500.
4.   Accessory structures to existing group E sites where the occupancy classification of said structures are classified as Groups A-5 and U
38.   GROUP E DAY CARE FACILITIES. Section 903.2.3 shall be amended by adding the following subsection:
4.   Group E day care facilities 5,000 sq. ft. or more, or containing an occupant load of 100 or more persons, including children and staff, shall be provided with a NFPA 13 system throughout the occupancy.
39.   GROUP I. Section 903.2.6 shall be amended by deleting exception #2, and replacing with the following:
2.   A Group I-4 day care facility with a fire area less than 5,000 sq. ft. and an occupant load less than 100, which is located at the level of exit discharge, and where every room where care is provided has not fewer than one exterior exit door, an automatic sprinkler system is not required.
40.   CARE FACILITIES. Subsection 903.2.8.4 (IBC) shall be amended by deleting the section and replacing with the following:
903.2   .8.4 Care facilities. Care facilities for eight (8) or fewer persons receiving care that are within a single-family dwelling are permitted to comply with the International Residential Code.
41.   BASEMENTS. Section 903. (IBC) Basements shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
[F] 903. Basements. Where any portion of a basement is located more than 75 feet from openings required by Section 903.2.11.1, the basement shall be equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
42.   ATTICS IN MULTI-FAMILY STRUCTURES. Section 903. (IBC) shall be amended by adding the following subsection #5.
5. Multi-family residential structures required to have a sprinkler system installed, shall provide automatic sprinklers throughout all portions of the attic area.
1. Structures are 2 stories or less in height
2. The attic structural and roofing components are composed of non- combustible materials
3. Attic areas with less than 4’ height
43.   ALARMS. Section 903.4.2 (IBC) shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
903.4.2 Alarms. An approved audible device listed for outdoor use with 110 candela visual signal shall be connected to every automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinkler water-flow alarm devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Alarm devices shall be provided on the exterior of the building in an approved location. Where a fire alarm system is installed, actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire alarm system.
44.   HEIGHT. Section 905.3.1 #1 (IBC) shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
1. Three or more stories above or below the level of fire department equipment access.
45.   EXCESSIVE DISTANCE. Section 905.3 (IBC) shall be amended by adding the following subsection:
905.3.9 Excessive Distance. Where the most remote portion of a floor or story is more than 400 feet from a hose connection or fire department access road the fire code official is authorized to require standpipes to be provided in approved locations. Class I manual standpipes shall be allowed.
46.   FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANELS (FACP) Section 907.1 (IBC) shall be amended by adding the following subsection:
Section 907.1.4 Fire alarm control panels (FACP). Each building shall have no more than 1 FACP. Installation of fire alarm panel shall not exceed six feet in height measured from the floor to the top of the unit.
Exception: Suppression system releasing panels are not required to meet the height requirement or the limitation in the number of panels.
47.   SINGLE AND MULTIPLE STATION SMOKE ALARMS. Section 907.2.10 (IBC) shall be modified by inserting the following immediately following the existing language:
Smoke alarms in dwelling and sleeping units shall be addressable with sounder bases and monitored by the building fire alarm system as a supervisory signal only. Mini horns in dwelling units are not required if notification from a building fire alarm system is through the smoke alarms with sounder bases. An addressable system is required whenever there are eight or more signaling devices, i.e., detectors, pull stations, flow switches, etc.
48.   ZONES. Section 907.6.4 (IBC) shall be amended by adding a new section as follows:
907.6.4.3 Zone and address location labeling. Fire alarm panels shall have all zones and address points plainly and permanently labeled as to their location on the outside of the panel or on an easily readable map of the building, if no display screen is present.
49.   MONITORING. Section 907.6.6 (IBC) shall be deleted and replaced with the following language:
907.6.6 Monitoring. Fire alarm systems required by this chapter shall be monitored by a central station approved and listed under UL 827 in accordance with NFPA 72.
50.   ROOMS AND SPACES. Section 1008.3.3 (IBC) shall be amended by deleting item #5 and replacing with the following:
5. Public restrooms that contain more than one water closet/urinal or that are required to be accessible.
51.   CONTINUITY AND COMPONENTS. Section 1009.2 (IBC) shall be amended by adding item #11 as follows:
11. Components of required exterior walking surfaces shall be concrete, asphalt, or other approved hard surface.
52.   FROST PROTECTION. Section 1010.1.6 (IBC) shall be amended by adding a new subsection as follows:
1010.1.6.1 Frost protection. Exterior landings at doors required to be at the same level by 1010.1.5 shall be provided with frost protection.
53.   ADDITIONAL EXIT SIGNAGE. Section 1013.1 (IBC) shall be amended by adding the following subsection:
1013.1. 1 Additional exit signage. Additional exit signs may be required at the discretion of the Code Official to clarify an exit or exit access.
54.   HANDRAILS. Section 1014.4 Continuity shall be amended by deleting exception number 1 and replacing with the following:
1. Handrails within a dwelling unit, or serving an individual dwelling unit of groups R-2 and R-3, shall be permitted to be interrupted by a newel post at a turn or landing. Handrails serving these occupancies shall be allowed to be interrupted at one location in a straight stair when the rail terminates into a wall or ledge, and is offset, and immediately continues.
55.   RETAINING WALLS. Section 1015 (IBC) shall be amended by adding a new sub-section 1015.9 as follows.
1015.9 Retaining walls. A guard shall be provided along retaining walls where a finished walking surface such as a sidewalk, patio, driveway, parking lot or similar, are located on the top side of a retaining wall. The guard shall be installed along any portion of the wall measuring 30 inches or greater in height measured at any point within 36 inches horizontally to the edge of the open side. A guard shall not be required along portions of the retaining wall where the horizontal distance between the edge of the finished walking surface and the face of the wall is greater than 72 inches.
56.   HARD SURFACES. Section 1028.5 (IBC) shall be amended by adding the following subsection:
1028.5.1 Hard surfaces. Components of required exterior walking surfaces shall be concrete, asphalt, or other approved hard surface.
57.   WINDOW WELL DRAINAGE. Section 1030.4 (IBC) shall be amended by adding a the following subsection:
1030.4.3 Window Well Drainage. Window wells shall be designed for proper drainage by connecting to the buildings foundation drainage system required by section 1805.4.2 or by an approved alternate method.
58.   ENERGY PROVISIONS. Chapter 11 IRC and Chapter 13 IBC shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
Buildings shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Current Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code, published by the International Code Council, as adopted and amended by the State of Iowa.
59.   STORM SHELTERS. Section 1106 (IEBC) shall be amended by adding the following exception #4.
4. Accessory structures to existing group E sites where the occupancy classification of said structures are classified as Groups A-5 and U
60.   MINIMUM CEILING HEIGHTS. Section 1207.2 (IBC) shall be amended by adding the following exception #5:
5. In existing structures, basements with either a non-finished or finished ceiling height of less than the heights as required by sections 1207.2 are considered non- conforming. The finishing of basements that are considered non-conforming is allowed as long as the non-conforming height isn’t decreased more than the minimal measurement allowed in order to apply a finished ceiling of gypsum board or acoustical ceiling tiles, but in no case shall the height be less than 82” in any portion of the finished area. Basements not meeting the minimum height requirements of section 1207.2 shall install recessed fixtures only, and nothing shall project into the minimum height requirement.
61.   DUCT INSTALLATION. Section M1502.4.2 shall be amended by deleting the section, and replacing with the following:
M1502.4.2 Duct installation. Exhaust ducts shall be supported at intervals not to exceed 4 feet, (3658 mm) and shall be secured in place. The insert end of the duct shall extend into the adjoining duct or fitting in the direction of airflow. Exhaust duct joints shall be sealed in accordance with Section M1601.4.1 and shall be mechanically fastened. Ducts shall not be joined with screws or similar fasteners. Where dryer exhaust ducts are enclosed in wall or ceiling cavities, such cavities shall be of sufficient size to allow the installation of the duct, without changing the configuration of the duct.
Exception: Dryer duct sections that are longer than 4 feet shall be supported minimally every 6 feet.
62.   GROUND SNOW LOAD. Section 1608.2 (IBC) shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
1608.2 Ground Snow Load. The ground snow load to be used in determining the design snow load for roofs is hereby established at 30 pounds per square foot. Subsequent increases or decreases shall be allowed as otherwise provided by code, except that the minimum allowable flat roof snow load may be reduced to not less than 80 percent of the ground snow load.
63.   DEPTH OF WATER SERVICE. Section P2603.5 IRC shall be amended by deleting “Water service pipe shall be installed not less than 12 inches deep and not less than 6 inches below the frost line” and replacing with “Water service piping shall, whenever feasible, be no less than five feet below the surface of the ground”.
64.   FLOOR DRAINS. Section P2719.1 IRC shall be amended by adding the following text to the existing section: “Unless otherwise approved by the inspector, at least one floor drain shall be provided in each room where a water heater is, or will be installed, and in each mechanical room. When installed in a basement floor, such floor drain shall be at least three inches in diameter”. Every water meter shall be within 8 feet of a floor drain as described per ordinance section 91.04 meeting the requirements of ordinance section 155.48”.
65.   WATER HEATER FLOOR DRAIN. Section P2801.4 IRC shall be amended by adding the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: “Every water heater shall be located in close proximity to a floor drain meeting the requirements of ordinance section 155.03 #69”.
66.   SMALL OCCUPANCIES. Section 2902.6 IBC shall be amended by deleting the section and replacing with the following:
2902.6 Small occupancies. Drinking fountains are not required for an occupant load of 50 or fewer however a bottled water dispenser shall be provided for occupancies with an occupant load between 16 and 49. For occupancies less than 100, individual water bottles readily available, offered continuously without fee, and displayed with approved signage within the public area shall be allowed in place of drinking fountains or water dispensers.
67.   MINIMUM WATER SERVICE SIZE. Section P2903.7 shall be amended by deleting size of water service pipe shall be not less than 3/4 inch diameter” and replacing with “size of water service pipe shall be not less than 1 inch diameter.”
68.   REQUIRED SPRINKLER LOCATIONS. Section P2904.1.1 IRC shall be amended by adding exception #5:
5. Structures complying with any exception of R313 as amended.
69.   BUILDING SEWER. Section P3005.4.2 IRC shall be amended by adding the following sentence at the end of the section “The minimum diameter for a building sewer shall be four (4) inches.”
70.   BACKWATER VALVE. Section P3008.1 IRC shall be amended by adding the following sentences at the end of the paragraph “The requirement for the installation of a backwater valve shall apply only when it is determined necessary by the Building Official based on local conditions. When a valve is required by the Building Official, it shall be a manually operated gate valve or fullway ball valve. An automatic backwater valve may also be installed, but is not required.
71.   SECONDARY STORM SEWER. Section P3303 shall be amended by adding a new sub-section as follows:
P3303.1.5 Secondary storm sewer. The provisions for secondary storm sewers shall comply with Section 157.08 of the City of Altoona, Code of Ordinances, 2004, for all structures with habitable and/or useable space below grade.
72.   ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS. Section E3401.4 of the IRC shall be amended by adding the following to the end of the paragraph “Additions to, alterations of, and repairs to existing electrical equipment shall comply with this code. Furthermore, existing electrical equipment that is temporarily exposed or made accessible because of any remodeling or repair of an existing structure, shall be made to comply with this code. In any event, the building official may, when any additions, alterations, or repairs are made, order other reasonable additions or alterations in the electrical equipment of a structure or on any premises when a danger to life or property may result if such other additions or alterations were not made.”
73.   DEFINITIONS. Section E4201.2 IRC shall be amended by deleting the following definitions:
1. Permanently Installed Swimming, Wading, Immersion and Therapeutic Pools, and
2. Storable Swimming or Wading Pools
74.   SWIMMING POOLS. Section 3109 (IBC), shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
3109.1 General. The design and construction of swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs shall comply with the following, and the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC). Where any conflict arises between the ISPSC and this section, this section shall prevail.
3109.2 Definition. The following terms are defined in Section 155.03 #9 of this code of ordinances:
Residential Swimming Pool
Residential Wading Pool
Swimming Pool
Wading Pool
3109.3 Swimming pools, commercial hot tubs, and wading pools. Swimming pools, commercial hot tubs, and wading pools shall comply with the requirements of Sections 3109.4 through 3109.10 and other applicable sections of this code.
3109.3.1 Residential swimming pools and hot tubs. Residential swimming pools and hot tubs shall comply with Sections 3109.4.1 through 3109.10.
3109.4 Enclosure height. Swimming pools, commercial hot tubs, and wading pools shall be completely enclosed by a fence or barrier not less than 6 feet (1290 mm) measured on the side of the barrier that faces away from the swimming pool.
3109.4.1 Residential. Residential swimming pools and hot tubs shall be completely enclosed by a fence or barrier not less than 48 inches (1219 mm) above grade measured on the side of the barrier that faces away from the swimming pool. Where the top of the pool structure is above grade, the barrier is authorized to be at ground level or mounted on top of the pool structure, and the vertical clearance between the top of the pool structure and the bottom of the barrier shall be not greater than 4 inches (102 mm).
Exception: A hot tub/spa with a safety cover complying with ASTM F1346 shall not be subject to the barrier requirements.
3109.5 Barrier requirements. The vertical clearance between grade and the bottom of the barrier shall be not greater than 2 inches (51 mm) measured on the side of the barrier that faces away from the swimming pool. Openings in the fence shall not permit the passage of a 4-inch-diameter (102 mm) sphere. The fence or screen enclosure shall be equipped with self-closing and self-latching gates.
3109.6 Openings. Openings in the barrier shall not allow passage of a 4-inch- diameter (102 mm) sphere.
3109.6.1 Solid barrier surfaces. Solid barriers which do not have openings shall not contain indentations or protrusions except for normal construction tolerances and tooled masonry joints.
3109.6.2 Closely spaced horizontal members. Where the barrier is composed of horizontal and vertical members and the distance between the tops of the horizontal members is less than 45 inches (1143 mm), the horizontal members shall be located on the swimming pool side of the fence. Spacing between vertical members shall be not greater than 1-3/4 inches (44 mm) in width. Where there are decorative cutouts within vertical members, spacing within the cutouts shall be not greater than 1-3/4 inches (44 mm) in width.
3109.6.3 Widely spaced horizontal members. Where the barrier is composed of horizontal and vertical members and the distance between the tops of the horizontal members is 45 inches (1143 mm) or more, spacing between vertical members shall be not greater than 4 inches (102 mm). Where there are decorative cutouts within vertical members, spacing within the cutouts shall be not greater than 1-3/4 inches (44 mm) in width.
3109.6.4 Chain link dimensions. Mesh size for chain link fences shall be not greater than a 2-1/4 inch square (57 mm square) unless the fence is provided with slats fastened at the top or the bottom which reduce the openings to not more than 1-3/4 inches (44mm).
3109.6.5 Diagonal members. Where the barrier is composed of diagonal members, the opening formed by the diagonal members shall be not greater than 1-3/4 inches (44 mm).
3109.7 Gates. Access doors or gates shall comply with the requirements of Sections 3109.3 through 3109.4.1.4 and shall be equipped to accommodate a locking device. Pedestrian access doors or gates shall open outward away from the pool and shall be self-closing and have a self-latching device. Doors or gates other than pedestrian access doors or gates shall have a self-latching device. Release mechanisms shall be in accordance with Sections 1010.1.9 and 1109.13. Where the release mechanism of the self-latching device is located less than 54 inches (1372 mm) from the bottom of the door or gate, the release mechanism shall be located on the pool side of the door or gate 3 inches (76 mm) or more, below the top of the door or gate, and the door or gate and barrier shall be without openings greater than 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) within 18 inches (457 mm) of the release mechanism.
3109.8 Pool structure as barrier. Where an aboveground pool contains a barrier mounted on top of the pool structure, and the means of access is a ladder or steps, then the ladder or steps either shall be capable of being secured or locked to prevent access, or the ladder or steps shall be surrounded by a barrier which meets the requirements of Sections 3109.3 through 3109.4.1.4. Where the ladder or steps are secured or locked, any opening created shall not allow the passage of a 4-inch- diameter (102 mm) sphere.
3109.9 Prohibited locations. Barriers shall be located so as to prohibit permanent structures, equipment, or similar objects from being used to climb the barriers.
3109.10 Entrapment avoidance. Suction outlets shall be designed and installed in accordance with ANSI/APSP-7.