The following amendments and additions to the codes adopted in section 9-1-1 of this chapter shall be and the same are hereby adopted as follows:
A. Definitions: In said official building code, when the term "city" or "village" is used, said term is hereby declared to designate the city of Alton, Madison County, Illinois, and whenever in said official building code the term "state" or "state of" is used, the term is hereby declared to designate the state of Illinois.
B. ICC International Building Code 2015 Edition Amendments:
Section 105 entitled Permits is hereby amended to add thereto a section 105.1.3 entitled Demolition to read as follows:
Section 105.1.3 Demolition: The fee for a permit for the demolition of a building or structure shall be determined at the same rate as for building permit fees based on the cost of the demolition. No fee shall be charged for demolition as a result of condemnation.
a. The time limit for a demolition permit for the demolition of a building or structure shall be sixty (60) days, and upon the expiration of said sixty (60) day time limit the demolition permit shall be automatically revoked unless an unusual delay or such demolition is caused by an act of God, in which event the issuing authority may, in its discretion, grant an extension period of thirty (30) days.
b. No demolition permit shall be issued under this action until applicant deposits with the issuing authority a cash performance bond of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), which cash performance bond shall be returned to applicant if the demolition permitted is accomplished within the time limits set forth in subsection a above; in the event the permitted demolition is not completed within the allowable time, said cash performance bond shall be forfeited to the city.
c. The provisions of subsections a and b above shall not apply to those applicants who contract with the city for demolition work regardless of whether the city is acting in its own corporate capacity or as an agent for another governmental entity.
Section 105.1.4 Signs: The fee for the issuance of a sign permit required under the provisions of the basic code shall be deemed at the same rate as for building permit fees.
Section 105.2 entitled Work Exempt From Permit, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following:
14. Repairs carried out as maintenance to industrial structures or process equipment or replacement thereof shall be exempt from application or notice under this section.
Section 105.3 entitled Application For Permit, is hereby amended to add thereto a section 105.3.3 to read as follows:
105.3.3: The provisions of the official building code shall not apply to any industrial construction such as alteration, repair, removal, demolition, use or maintenance of any structure or service equipment as referred to in use group classification F, H, S, S1 or S2, except that any industry desiring to construct or add to any building, shall apply for and shall receive an inspection exempt permit upon submission of the following:
a. A scaled plot showing the proposed construction, adjacent railroads, public roadways, and public utilities; a description of the surrounding area, and the location of any immediately adjacent residential or business areas.
b. A verified statement by a registered engineer or architect, or by an engineer who is exempt from the provisions of the Illinois professional engineering act, that the plans and specifications were prepared by him or under his supervision, in accordance with the minimum standards set forth in this code, or according to the customary usages and practices in the industry.
c. The permit fee now is in force and effect.
Section 110 of the ICC international building code is hereby amended by adding section 110.1.1 thereto as follows:
a. It shall be unlawful to occupy any building or structure constructed or remodeled after March 27, 1974, without first having made application for and received an executed certificate of occupancy as hereinafter provided.
1. Upon satisfactory application being made and approved, the building official shall issue to the applicant, with the building permit, an unexecuted certificate of occupancy, stating the correct address, legal description and/or parcel identification number. The applicant shall cause the said issued and receipted unexecuted certificate of occupancy to be filed directly with the Alton township assessor. The applicant shall then obtain a receipt, with corresponding building permit number from said assessor, showing that the unexecuted certificate of occupancy has been filed.
2. The owner of the property, or his designated representative, shall, upon completion of the new construction, reconstruction or remodeling, and before occupying, file the receipt with the building official within five (5) days after completion, not including Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
3. The building official shall, upon receiving said receipt, issue an executed certificate of occupancy with correct address, legal description and/or parcel identification number, upon satisfactory proof or inspection that verifies that all applicable building and zoning requirements have been met.
4. The city, or its agent, shall then cause a copy of the executed certificate of occupancy to be filed directly with the Alton township assessor. The property shall be subject to increased assessment, from the date of issuance of the certificate on a proportionate basis for the year in which the improvement was completed.
5. The Alton township assessor will notify the building official of the city in writing when the assessment is placed against the property.
b. Any person violating any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined as provided in section 1-4-1 of the city code for each offense, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during which a violation occurs or continues.
Section 115.3 entitled Unlawful Continuance, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 115.3 Unlawful Continuance: Any person who shall continue any work in or about the building after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as he is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be liable to a fine as provided in section 1-4-1 of the city code.
Chapter 32 of the ICC international building code is hereby amended to create section 3202.3.5 entitled Curtain Walls:
(Ord. 7259, 6-22-2011)
Section 3202.3.5 Curtain Walls: Curtain walls shall be permitted to extend into the public right of way, provided, however that the lowest portion of same shall be at least 10 feet (10') above the sidewalk and said walls shall project not more than twenty- four inches (24"), provided such changes in the opinion of the director of the Division of Building and Zoning do not increase the fire hazard of the building or endanger the public safety; the construction of said projected curtain walls shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the municipal authority having jurisdiction over the adjacent public way.
Any permit granted or permission expressed or implied in the provisions of the basic building code so as to project a curtain wall beyond the street lot line, building line, or public way, shall be revocable by the city.
(Ord. 7594, 11-8-2017)
Sections 3410 and 3410.1 are hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 3410 Moved Structures
Section 3410.1 Compliance: Buildings and structures moved into or within the jurisdiction shall comply with the provisions of this code for new buildings and structures and shall not be used or occupied in whole or in part until the certificate of use and occupancy has been issued by the appropriate code official.
a. The fee for the building permit for the removal of a building or structure from one lot to another or to another part of the same lot shall be determined at the same rate as for building permit fees plus the cost of new foundations and all work necessary to place the building or structure in its completed condition in the new location.
(Ord. 7259, 6-22-2011)
C. ICC International Residential Code 2015 Amendments:
R102.7.2 is hereby created to read as follows:
Section R102.7.2 Moved Structures (New Section with no language change)
Section R102.7.2 Compliance: Buildings and structures moved into or within the jurisdiction shall comply with the provisions of this code for new buildings and structures and shall not be used or occupied in whole or in part until the certificate of use and occupancy has been issued by the appropriate code official.
The fee for the building permit for the removal of a building or structure from one lot to another or to another part of the same lot shall be determined at the same rate as for building permit fees plus the cost of new foundations and all work necessary to place the building or structure in its completed condition in the new location.
Section R105.2 entitled Work Exempt From Permit, subsection; building 1 is hereby amended to read as follows:
1. One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 100 square feet (9.29 m2).
Section R105.2 entitled Work Exempt From Permit, subsections; building #2 and #10 shall be omitted.
2. Fences not over 7 feet (2134 mm) high.
10. Decks not exceeding 200 square feet (18.58 m2) in area, that are not more than 30 inches (762 mm) above grade at any point, are not attached to a dwelling do not serve the exit door required by Section R311.4.
Section #2 and #10 will require building permits.
Section R105.5 entitled Expiration is hereby amended to read as follows:
R105.5 Expiration: Every permit issued by the building official under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within three (3) months from the date of issuance of the permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of three (3) months, or if the work authorized by such permit is not completed within a period of nine (9) months. Before work can be resumed, a new permit shall be obtained to do so, provided no changes have been made to the original plans and specifications for such work, and provided further that such suspensions or abandonment has not exceeded three (3) months, and further provided that good and satisfactory reasons are provided to justify time extension by permission of the code official if conditions beyond his control prevent commencement or completion of work within the required period. Extension of a permit or renewal of a permit after it has expired shall require payment of a new full permit fee and permission of the building official and/or director of public works.
Section R109.1 entitled Inspections, is hereby amended to read as follows:
R109.1 Types Of Inspections: From time to time the building official, as he deems necessary, or upon notification from the permit holder or his agent, shall make or cause to be made any necessary inspections and shall either approve that portion of the construction as completed or shall notify the permit holder or his agent wherein he fails to comply with this code. The parts of the building for which inspection is required shall not be covered until the building official has performed such inspections and approvals have been obtained. Failure of the permit holder or his agent to allow such inspections to be performed shall be violations of this code and subject to penalties thereof. Exception: Prefabricated construction as regulated in section R109.5.
Section R109 is hereby amended by adding section 109.5 thereto as follows:
Section R109.5 Prefabricated Construction: A certificate of approval by an agency approved by the City of Alton shall be furnished with every prefabricated assembly, except where all elements of the assembly are readily accessible to inspection at the site. Placement of prefabricated assemblies at the building site shall be inspected by the building official to determine compliance with this code. A final inspection and occupancy permit shall be required prior to occupancy.
Section R113.4 entitled Violation Penalties, is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section R113.4 Violation Penalties: Any person who shall violate a provision of the basic code, including all codes adopted as a part thereof and specifically the national electrical code and Illinois plumbing code, or who shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall erect, construct, alter or repair a building or structure in violation of any approved plan or directive of the director of the Division of Building & Zoning or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of the basic code, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable as provided in section 1-4-1 of the city code. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
Chapter 3 is hereby amended to create section 2015 R327 Minimum Dimensions of a Dwelling; and R327.1 which shall read as follows:
Section R327.1 Minimum Dimensions of a Dwelling: The minimum overall size of the habitable area of an individual dwelling unit shall be 800 square feet. The minimum footprint size shall be not less than 600 (six hundred) square feet. The minimum horizontal dimension of a dwelling unit shall not be less than 30 (thirty) percent of the horizontal dimension perpendicular to it.
Section R402 shall be modified by deleting all references to wood foundations.
Section R703 Exterior Coverings, subsection R703.1 entitled General shall be amended to add the following:
Metal panels used as exterior wall covering, including flat, corrugated, or ribbed sheets shall not be permitted.
Section R801.4 shall be created to read as follows:
Section R801.4 Roof Slopes and Overhangs:
Roof slopes of less than 4 in 12 pitch shall not be allowed over habitable areas for new construction. The edge of the roof shall overhang the vertical wall or structural supports below by not less than 12 inches for all new construction.
Section R905.2.1 entitled Sheathing Requirements is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section R905.2.1 Sheathing Requirements: Asphalt or Fiberglass shingles shall be fastened to solidly sheathed decking. Sheathing used as roof decking shall have an American Plywood Association grading of APA exposure 1, 32/16 span rating, or equivalent.
Section R905.2.2 entitled Slope is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section R905.2.2 Slope: Asphalt or fiberglass shingles shall only be used on roof slopes of four units vertical in twelve units horizontal (4:12) or greater.
Section R905.2.9.1 entitled Color Coordination is created to read as follows:
Section R905.2.9.1 Color Coordination: The installation of asphalt and fiberglass shingles on new construction and re-roofing projects shall be done with coordinated colors, patterns and textured materials. The use of different color, texture and/or pattern materials on a single roof slope or adjacent roof slopes shall be prohibited. Any variation from single color, texture, and pattern materials on a single roof slope or adjacent roof slopes shall be aesthetically harmonious. The aesthetically harmonious test shall be applied with consideration to the neighborhood in which said structure is located and shall be judged according to what a reasonable man viewing the structure and considering all relevant circumstances would deem to be aesthetically acceptable or unacceptable.
This shall not apply to minor roof repairs where the original weathered shingles cannot be matched. If repairs involve more than one-third (1/3) of a roof surface, the entire surface shall be re-roofed.
R905.10 Metal Roof Panels will be allowed provided the product used meets a (minimum) 25 year warranty.
Section R2904.1.1 entitled Dwelling Unit Sprinkler Requirements shall be omitted.
D. ICC International Property Maintenance Code 2015 Amendments:
Section 404.4.1 is deleted and replaced with the following:
Section 404.4.1 Room Area. Every living room shall contain at least 120 square feet (11.2 m2), every bedroom occupied by one person shall contain at least 70 square feet (6.5 m2) of floor area, and every bedroom occupied by more than one person shall contain at least 50 square feet (4.6 m2) of floor area for each occupant thereof.
E. ICC International Fire Code 2015 Amendments:
1. Adoption of the 2015 International Fire Code including the following appendices: B, C, D, I and K.
2. Deletion of Section 903.2.8.1 Group R-3 Sprinkler requirements.
3. Adoption of the 2000 NFPA Life Safety Code that is consistent with the Office of the State Fire Marshal.
(Ord. 7594, 11-8-2017)