No diseased or sickly dog or cat or other animal, nor any that has been exposed to any disease that is contagious among such animals, shall be brought into the city. Any animal being in any street or public place within the city and appearing in the estimation of any police officer, animal control officer or the director of public works to be injured or diseased past recovery for any useful purpose, and when the owner cannot be located after reasonable attempt has been made to do so, or when such animal is not being attended and properly cared for by the owner or some proper person to have charge thereof for the owner, or not having been removed to some private premises, may humanely euthanize the animal, and shall thereafter, unless at once removed by the owner, be treated as any other dead animal found on a street or place.
No person other than police officers, animal control officer or the director of public works, or person thereto authorized by contract or otherwise, shall in any way interfere with such dead, sick or injured animal in any street or place, and no person shall skin or wound such animal in such street or public place, unless to terminate its life as herein authorized. (Ord. 7513, 4-27-2016)