It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain any rabbit hutch or other pen or enclosure for the housing of small animals, except dogs, closer than thirty feet (30') to the nearest portion of any building occupied by or in any way used by human beings, other than that dwelling occupied by the owner or keeper of the animals or closer than six feet (6') to the property line of the lot on which such animals are kept or permitted to be, except where such animals are kept for purposes of research in a laboratory.
Every rabbit hutch or other pen or enclosure shall be kept so that no offensive, disagreeable or noxious smell or odor shall arise therefrom to the injury, annoyance or inconvenience of any inhabitant of the neighborhood.
Every rabbit hutch or other pen or enclosure shall be provided with a watertight and flytight receptacle for manure of such dimension as to contain all accumulations of manure, which receptacle shall be emptied sufficiently often and in such manner as to prevent its becoming a nuisance. Such receptacle shall be kept securely covered at all times, except when open during the deposit or removal of manure or refuse. No manure shall be allowed to accumulate except in such receptacle. All such manure, when removed from the receptacle shall be buried with covering of not less than six inches (6") of earth or, if used as fertilizer, thoroughly spaded into the ground, or shall be removed from the property.
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain within seventy five feet (75') of the nearest portion of any dwelling or other building occupied by or in any way used by human beings, other than that dwelling occupied by such person, more than ten (10) rabbits or other small animals over the age of four (4) months, or more than twenty five (25) rabbits or other small animals under the age of four (4) months, except where such animals are kept for purposes of research in a laboratory.
All structures or yards wherein animals are kept or permitted to be shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times, devoid of all rodents and vermin, and free from objectionable odors. The interior walls, ceilings, floors, partitions and appurtenances of all such structures shall be whitewashed or painted annually. The enclosed area of all such structures shall be constructed in such a way as to be dry at all times on the inside. The superintendent of housing and building inspectors may at any reasonable time inspect any premises and issue such order as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. (Ord. 6805, 3-24-2004)