A.   General Prohibition: It shall be unlawful to keep or maintain within the city any horses, mules, cattle, all bovine, goats, sheep, swine, geese, ducks, turkeys, guinea fowl, peacocks, pigeons, roosters and other barn fowl, not including chicken hens as permitted in section 7-1-9 of this chapter. (Ord. 7330, 10-24-2012)
   B.   Bees: No person shall keep or permit to be kept on his premises (consisting of the tract or adjoining lots used for a single purpose) more than four (4) colonies or hives of bees; said colonies or hives should be located at least ten feet (10') from adjoining property. In the event any bees from hives shall threaten the safety of adjoining residents or reasonable use of adjoining premises, such shall constitute a nuisance and be cause for removal of all hives from the offending premises. (Ord. 6805, 3-24-2004)