2-18-4: ACCOUNTS:
The Haskell House Children's Museum of Alton Commission shall account for all funds received and disbursed in the performance of its duties and responsibilities. The City Comptroller and the City Treasurer of the City of Alton shall coordinate with the members of the Haskell House Children's Museum of Alton Commission so as to permit continuous transparency of the financial records of the Haskell House Children's Museum of Alton Commission to the City Treasurer and the City Comptroller and through them to the City Council of the City of Alton and through them to the general public. Any assets acquired by the Haskell House Children's Museum of Alton Commission or in their name shall be the Municipal property of the City of Alton, managed and disposed of in accordance with all applicable rules, ordinances and statutory requirements pertaining to Municipal property.
All financial accounts of the Haskell House Children's Museum of Alton Commission shall be included in the annual audit of the City of Alton. (Ord. 7584, 10-11-2017)