(A)   Findings.
      (1)   On occasion, certain defendants of the City Court, after being duly advised and notified of dates of appearance and/or amounts owed pursuant to citations, fail to appear or fail to pay without notification to the Court of their intention to either pay or deny the charge.
      (2)   Upon failure to pay or appear, notice is then sent to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles for a license suspension.
      (3)   When a defendant subsequently appears and/or pays the citation and becomes eligible for reinstatement pursuant to the Court’s lifting of the indefinite suspension, the Court must produce a form to send by mail or facsimile to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to reinstate the suspended individual.
      (4)   The City Court incurs expenses associated with the production and subsequent filing of this reinstatement form that should rightly be assessed to the defendant.
      (5)   The fees assessed pursuant to the above mentioned should be collected by the County Clerk and deposited in a Clerk’s Perpetuation Fund, established and controlled by the Clerk- Treasurer for the city, to be used for court record keeping improvements and equipment.
   (B)   Fee. A fee based on current state-approved amounts and/or as set by City Council from time to time shall be assessed to the defendant for production and facsimile transmission of the above mentioned form to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
   (C)   Fund. There shall be established an account to be designated as the Clerk’s Record Perpetuation Fund for the purpose of collection of the fee mentioned in division (B) above.
   (D)   Collection responsibility. The City Court Clerk shall collect this money and deposit the same in the Clerk’s Record Perpetuation Fund which shall be established and controlled by the Clerk-Treasurer’s office of the city. Fees shall be remitted to the Clerk-Treasurer on a monthly basis.
   (E)   Use of funds. The Clerk’s Record Perpetuation Fund may only be expended after appropriation for contractual services, repairs, maintenance, supplies, purchase of equipment, and overall promotion of the City Court’s record keeping and administration. All expenditures from the Clerk’s Record Perpetuation Fund shall be processed, appropriated, claimed, and allowed in the same manner as other claims of the city.
(Prior Code, § 32.10) (Ord. 1443, passed 12-3-2001)