§ 155.54 VIOLATIONS.
   It shall be unlawful to locate, erect, construct, reconstruct, enlarge, change, maintain, or use any structure or land in violation of this chapter or any regulation enacted hereunder by the Plan Commission. The Plan Commission or Board of Zoning appeals may institute a suit for a mandatory injunction directing the removal of a structure erected in violation of this chapter or the removal of other materials existing in violation of this chapter including junk or salvage. Any structure or use that violates this chapter shall be deemed to be a common nuisance, and the owner or any person with an ownership interest in said property, including a lessor as well as the operator of any business upon such real estate in violation of this chapter, shall be liable for maintaining a common nuisance.
(Prior Code, § 153.98) (Ord. 907, passed 9-15-1969; Ord. 1213, passed 8-1-1987) Penalty, see § 155.99