§ 153.38 ACCEPTANCE.
   After streets and improvements have been installed and constructed pursuant to the requirements contained in this chapter and in the event that the subdivider desires to have the city or county accept the streets or improvements, the subdivider shall notify the proper city or county officials that the construction or installation has been completed and shall supply the city or county with a minimum of four copies of the as-built plan on which the street or improvement in question has been constructed or installed. The four copies of the plan shall show thereon the signatures of all agencies and individuals who have approved the plan and contain a notice thereon as to where and when the plan was recorded in the County Recorder’s office. The portion of a street or improvement which the subdivider desires to have the city or county accept shall be shaded or colored on each of the four copies. The plan shall also clearly designate the number of lineal feet of the street or improvement which the subdivider desires to be accepted by the city or county.
(Prior Code, § 151.14) (Ord. 908, passed 9-15-1969)