For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CERTIFIED ARBORIST. A person certified by the Tree Board to perform tree care on city street trees within the limits of this subchapter. The requirements for arborist certification are described in § 152.30.
   CITY FORESTER. A person charged with the responsibility of aiding with the implementation of this subchapter as agent for the Board of Public Works and Safety; a person to be appointed by the Mayor. The position of City Forester shall be applied to an existing city employee who should be trained, or receive training, in the knowledge and skills of urban forestry.
   CITY MANUAL OF URBAN FORESTRY STANDARDS. A document containing all the technical data, rules, and regulations specific to the administration of this subchapter, hereafter referred to as the STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL.
   STREET TREES. Trees lying on real estate owned or within rights-of-way controlled by the city, excluding the real estate owned or controlled by the Parks and Recreation Department.
   TOPPING. The cutting back of the leading shoot or shoots of major limbs which form the natural canopy of the tree so as to disfigure the tree’s crown.
   TREE. A large, woody, perennial plant having a clearly recognizable trunk.
   TREE CARE. Any tree maintenance or horticultural work intended for the enhancement or preservation of street trees and the removal and prevention of any and all damages to any street trees caused by tree pests, blights, or diseases.
(Prior Code, § 95.090) (Ord. 1339, passed 8-28-1995)