(A)   Sidewalk block to be replaced. No sidewalk block made at the time of the original construction of the sidewalk shall be cut in order to save a part of the original block at the time of any repairs. Rather, the entire block shall be replaced.
(Prior Code, § 95.052)
   (B)   Location. All sidewalks shall be laid from the inner edge of the abutting property line unless special permission to do otherwise is obtained from the Common Council.
(Prior Code, § 95.053)
   (C)   Driveway crossings. Where a driveway is to be built across a sidewalk, it shall conform to the sidewalk grade and shall be six inches in depth and of the same quality and material as that specified for sidewalks.
(Prior Code, § 95.054)
   (D)   Alley crossings. Where an alley crosses a sidewalk, said crossing shall be constructed of concrete six inches thick and be of the same finish and material as that specified for sidewalks and shall be either concave or straight as may be ordered by the Street Commissioner.
(Prior Code, § 95.055)