§ 30.040 ORDINANCES.
   (A)   Numbering of ordinances. All ordinances shall be numbered in the order that they are introduced to the Common Council.
   (B)   Reading of ordinances; passage at same meeting as introduced.
      (1)   Except as provided in division (B)(2) below, any ordinance introduced to the Council shall be read two times before it is voted on by the Council. At the first reading, the Clerk- Treasurer shall read the ordinance in full. The second and third readings of the ordinance shall be in full unless the Council, by a majority vote, directs otherwise.
      (2)   The Council may, by a majority vote, alter the procedure in division (B)(1) above; provided, however, no ordinance shall be read for the second time at the same meeting at which it was introduced except by unanimous consent of the Council and then only in case there are present and voting at least two-thirds of the elected members of the Council.
   (C)   Majority vote required to pass ordinances. It shall require a majority of all the elected members of the Council to pass an ordinance.
   (D)   When ordinances and the like become law. No ordinance, order, or resolution of the Council shall become a law or be operative until it has been signed by the Mayor or passed over his or her veto and promulgated according to law.
   (E)   Approval and veto of ordinances and the like. Every ordinance, order, or resolution of the Council shall, immediately upon its passage, enrollment, attestation, and signature by the Clerk-Treasurer, be presented by the Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor, and a record of the time and presentation made by the Clerk-Treasurer shall be recorded.
      (1)   If the Mayor approves the ordinance, order, or resolution, he or she shall enter his or her approval thereon and sign the same and file it in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer.
      (2)   If he or she does not approve the ordinance, he or she shall veto it and return it to the Clerk-Treasurer with his or her objections in writing within ten days after receiving it, and the Clerk-Treasurer shall present it to the Council at its next regular meeting.
      (3)   If the Mayor should fail to discharge his or her duty by approving or disapproving the ordinance within that time, this failure shall be deemed a disapproval.
   (F)   Overriding veto. If the Mayor should veto any ordinance, order, or resolution passed by the Council, the Council may override the veto by passing it again by a two-thirds vote of all the members elect of the Council at the next regular or special Council meeting following the Mayor’s veto.
   (G)   Recording ordinances. All ordinances shall, within a reasonable time after approval by the Mayor or becoming law in spite of his or her veto, be recorded in a book kept for that purpose by the Clerk-Treasurer.
(Prior Code, § 30.31) (Ord. 1160, passed 8-29-1983)