§ 90.080 ANIMAL BITES.
   (A)   Every vicious animal that has bitten a person shall be confined by the owner, keeper, or person harboring the animal. Persons owning, keeping, or harboring any animal reported to have bitten a person shall keep such animal confined for a period of not less than 14 days and show proof of the animal having been previously vaccinated for rabies. A report of such animal’s condition shall be made to the ACO or Police Department on the third, seventh, tenth, and fourteenth days. Any animal showing signs of illness must be taken to a veterinarian or be impounded for safekeeping.
   (B)   If the owner or person harboring the animal fails to confine the animal, the ACO may impound the animal in the AAS or other appropriate animal shelter or humane society, at the expense of the owner, for not less than 14 days or some shorter time as may be established by the County Health Officer. If the animal dies during the confinement period, it shall, at the owner’s expense, be sent to the proper authorities to determine whether or not it had rabies. In any event, the death of an animal suspected to have rabies shall be reported to the County Health Department immediately.
(Ord. 2022-005-C, passed 6-6-2022)