(A)   Whenever the Mayor may have reasonable suspicion that there is a danger of the existence or spread of hydrophobia within city limits, he or she may issue a proclamation ordering and requiring all persons owning, keeping, processing, or harboring any animal of the canine family to:
      (1)   Confine or muzzle the animal for a term of not less than 30 days and no more than 90 days following the date of such proclamation; and
      (2)   Cause such animal to be effectively secured and muzzled during the period of the proclamation so as to prevent it from biting human beings and other animals.
   (B)   Any member of the canine family which may be found unmuzzled, unconfined, or not inoculated is in violation of the proclamation of the Mayor and may be destroyed by order of the ACO or Chief of Police.
(Ord. 2022-005-C, passed 6-6-2022)