§ 35.022 JOB POSTINGS.
   (A)   The town makes every effort to post a job when one becomes vacant and is designated by the Town Council to be filled.
   (B)   Vacant jobs will be advertised among the existing town employees for ten days before advertising them to the public. Current employees who have an interest in the open position may complete an application at the Clerk-Treasurer’s office. The department heads and Town Manager are responsible for reviewing all applications. For current employees applying for a job within another department, the department head has the authority to review personnel records and talk with the current department head regarding the employee’s performance and attendance prior to the initial interview. The Clerk-Treasurer is responsible for interviewing and hiring for the Clerk-Treasurer’s office.
   (C)   All applications will be kept in the Clerk-Treasurer’s office for a period of three years from the date of application. The Town Council has the sole authority to approve all department head recommendations for the hiring of either external candidates or internal employees to fill vacant jobs within the town.
   (D)   Employees may contact the Town Manager for additional information regarding a job posting.
(Ord. 2020-26, passed 1-12-21)