The sale of intoxicating liquor by a holder of a retail on-sale liquor license issued by the city may occur outdoors, subject to the following regulations:
   A.   Hours: No intoxicating liquor is to be served outside between the hours of twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight and eight o'clock (8:00) A.M.
   B.   Fencing; Access: The area designated for the dispensing and consuming of intoxicating liquor shall be enclosed by a fence with access into the designated area allowed only via the principal building located on the property, unless a different controlled access is approved by the city.
   C.   Music And Entertainment:
      1.   No live musical performances shall be allowed in the designated areas without specific approval by the city.
      2.   Music or other entertainment in the designated area shall cease at eleven fifty nine o'clock (11:59) P.M. on Friday and Saturday and at ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. on all other nights.
   D.   Other Regulations: Any other reasonable conditions required by the city. (2005 Code)
   E.   Description: The license specifically describes and depicts the outdoor area. (Ord. 2009-026, 12-7-2009)