A.   Temporary parking facilities equal to four (4) spaces per model home dwelling unit shall be provided. The overall design, drainage, and surfacing of the temporary parking facility shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer.
   B.   Access from a temporary parking facility onto a local, residential street shall be discouraged. Where this requirement is physically impracticable, access shall be directed away from residential neighborhoods to the greatest extent possible.
   C.   No model home shall incorporate outside lighting which creates a nuisance due to glare or intensity, as provided for in section 1000.10 of this ordinance.
   D.   All model home signage shall comply with the sign regulations as contained in the provisions of this ordinance relating to signs 1 .
   E.   Sidewalks providing access to model homes shall be kept clear of debris and snow over the term of the model home permit.
   F.   Landscaping and fencing shall comply with the performance standards of section 1000.7 of this ordinance. (Ord. 2006-07, 5-1-2006)



1. See section 2000.1 of this ordinance.