(A) On the property numbering map, Second Street, south of its intersection with North First Street is designated the "North-South axis". North First Street becomes the "North-South axis" north of its intersection with South Second Street. Main Street is hereby designated as the "East-West axis". All avenues, streets, and alleys running generally north and south shall be numbered from the East-West axis consecutively to the corporate limits of the extremity of such avenue, alley, or street. Avenues, streets, or alleys running generally east and west shall be numbered from the north-south consecutively to the corporate limits of the extremity of such avenue, alley, or street.
(B) One whole number shall be assigned for every 50 feet of ground, whether improved property or vacant lot, on every street within the corporate limits. Odd numbers shall be assigned to the left side of the street moving away from the North- South and East-West axis. Even numbers shall be assigned to the right side of the street moving away from the axis (North-South or East-West) which controls such street.
(Ord. 82-24, passed 11-15-82)
Every property owner of improved property shall on or before the first day of February, 1983, purchase and display in a conspicuous place on said property the number assigned which shall be a type approved by the City Council. Numbers shall be of contrasting color to that of the background on which they are attached. Numbers shall be near the front entrance to the principal structure on the lot.
(Ord. 82-24, passed 11-15-82)
All residence and business buildings erected after the adoption of this subchapter shall be assigned a number in accordance with the property numbering map and shall purchase and display such number as provided in § 40.42.
(Ord. 82-24, passed 11-15-82)
In order to promote and conserve the public health and safety and pursuant to the police powers of the city and the power to prevent and abate public nuisances as conferred upon the city by the General Statutes of North Carolina, it is declared to be a public nuisance for a person owning and/or having the legal control of any land within the corporate limits of the city to maintain or permit upon any such land any fence, sign, billboard, shrubbery, bush, tree, mailbox, or other object, or any combination thereof, which obstructs the view of motorists using any street or approach to any street intersection so as to constitute a traffic hazard or a condition dangerous to the public safety.
(Ord. 94-34, passed 12-5-94)
The restrictions set forth in § 40.50 shall apply to both of the following triangles of land:
(A) That triangle bounded by the curb edges (or edges of pavement where there is no curb), measured along the curb edge (or edge of pavement where there is no curb) 50 feet from the midpoint of the radius of the curb edge (or edge of pavement where there is no curb) in each direction and the diagonal line connecting the further ends of such 50-foot lengths; and
(B) That triangle bounded by the right-of-way lines measured 35 feet from the point of their intersection in each direction and the diagonal line connecting the further ends of such 35- foot lengths.
(Ord. 94-34, passed 12-5-94)