§ 153.090 MONUMENTS.
   (A)   General. All monuments shall be properly set flush with the ground and approved by a registered land surveyor prior to the time the Plan Commission recommends approval of the final plat.
   (B)   External boundaries.  
      (1)   The external boundaries of a subdivision shall be monumented in the field by monuments of stone or concrete, not less than 30 inches in length, not less than 4 inches square or 5 inches in diameter, and marked on top with a cross, brass plug, iron rod, or other durable material securely embedded; or if approved by the Town Board having jurisdiction over these regulations, by iron rods or pipes at least 30 inches long and 2 inches in diameter.
      (2)   The spacing and exact location requirements shall be established by the Town Engineer and Surveyor. The Plan Commission may amend these requirements.
   (C)   Internal boundaries. All internal boundaries and those corners and points not covered by the preceding paragraph shall be monumented in the field by like monuments as described above. These monuments shall be placed at all block corners, at each end of all curves, and at all internal angle points as required by the Town Engineer.
(Ord. - -, passed - -80)