(A)   The Commission may appoint and prescribe the duties and fix the compensation of the Secretary and such other employees as are necessary for the discharge of the duties and responsibilities of the Commission. All such compensation, however, shall be in conformity to and in compliance with salaries and compensations heretofore fixed by the Town Council. The Commission may make contracts for special or temporary services and any professional counsel. The Town Council shall provide a suitable office for the holding of meetings and the preservation of plans, maps, documents and other accounts of the Commission.
   (B)   The Albany Plan Commission shall have the power and duty to:
      (1)   Exercise general supervision of and make regulations for the administration of the affairs of the Commission;
      (2)   Prescribe uniform rules pertaining to investigations and hearings;
      (3)   Supervise the fiscal affairs and responsibilities of the Commission;
      (4)   Prescribe the qualifications of, appoint, remove and fix the compensation of the employees of the Commission, such compensation to be in conformity to and in compliance with salaries and compensations therefore fixed by the Town Council
and to delegate to employees authority to perform ministerial acts in all cases except for final action of the Commission as necessary;
      (5)   Keep an accurate and complete record of all proceedings and assume responsibility for the custody and preservation of all papers and documents of the Commission;
      (6)   Make recommendations to the President of the Town Council concerning the operation of the Commission and the status of planning within its jurisdiction;
      (7)   Prepare, publish, and distribute reports, ordinances, and other material relating to its activities; and
      (8)   Any and all other acts prescribed by law.
(Ord. 1969-14, passed 8-4-69)