§ 94.05 PARK USAGE.
   (A)   The town shall allow the following park areas to be used by individuals and organizations for events: Big Park, Depot, Water Street Park and First Street Park.
   (B)   The town shall require individuals and organizations who want to use the park areas for events to enter into an agreement with the town for the use of the park area.
   (C)   The town may require the individuals and groups to provide a damage deposit for the usage of the park area. The requirement of the damage deposit and the amount of the damage deposit shall be determined by the Clerk-Treasurer in a case-by-case manner.
   (D)   The town shall require the individuals and groups using the park area to provide proof of insurance reflecting that the individuals or group holding the event is covered by insurance.
   (E)   The town shall require the individuals and groups using the park for events to sign a statement that they will hold the town harmless from any injuries and damages that may occur as a result of what takes place at the event.
   (F)   The town may deny the use of the park areas to individuals and groups for events in the event that the individuals and groups refuse to comply with the town’s requirements under this section.
(Ord. 2009-7, passed 6-8-09)