(A)   On the failure of the owner, occupant, or person in control of the property to comply with the provisions of this subchapter, and after notice thereof pursuant to § 92.18, the Town Council may cause this condition to be abated. For this purpose, the Town Council or its agents may enter on the premises and do such acts as are necessary to eliminate the nuisance, and every owner or person in control of the premises who has received a notice shall give entry and free access to the agents of the town for the purpose of abating the nuisance.
   (B)   The cost and expenses of abatement of violations of this chapter shall became a lien an the premises in the same manner as Mechanic’s Liens become liens against real estate, and the liens shall be enforced and foreclosed in the same manner as Mechanic’s Liens are enforced and foreclosed.
(Ord. 1990-3, passed 2-26-90)