Type of Premises
Residential Equivalent
Type of Premises
Residential Equivalent
Barber shops
0.15 per chair
0.05 per seat
Beauty shops
0.25 per booth
Boarding houses
0.20 per person
Bowling alleys (no bars, lunch facilities)
0.15 per alley
0.01 per seat
Convalescent homes (nursing homes)
0.40 per bed
Country club
0.10 per member
Drug stores
0.20 per employee
Dry cleaners
1.25 per press
Factories (exclusive of industrial wastes)
0.15 per person/per shift
Grocery stores and super markets
0.30 per employee
1.10 per bed
Hotels, motels (private baths, two persons/room)
0.20 per bed
Industry (process waters)
(to be determined at time of application)
Laundry (self service)
0.50 per washer
0.10 per slip
Mobile home
1.00 per unit
Multiple-family residence
1.00 per family
Office building
0.10 per employee
0.10 per seat
Rooming houses (no meals)
0.10 per person
Sanitary trailer and boat dump station
2.00 per station
Schools (cafeteria)
0.03 per student
Schools (showers and cafeteria)
0.05 per student
Schools (without showers and cafeteria)
0.02 per student
Service station
0.20 per pump
Single-family residence
1.00 per unit
Snack bars, drive-ins, and the like
0.10 per seat and/or stall
Store (other than specifically listed)
0.15 per employee
Trailer parks (central bathhouses)
0.35 per trailer
Trailer parks (individual sewer connection)
1.00 per trailer
Travel trailer parks and campgrounds (with individual sewer connections)
0.20 per site
Travel trailer parks and campgrounds (without individual sewer connections)
0.15 per site
Table Note:
Each connection to the public sewers will be assigned a minimum of 1.00 equivalent user. Where fractional units above 1.00 are computed, the nearest whole number will be assigned.
(Ord. 75-36, passed 11-5-1976)