(A)   Short title. This section may be cited as the “School Trespass Ordinance” of the village.
   (B)   Definition. For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      PUBLIC PLACE. Any street, alley, park, public building, public, private, or parochial school, any place of business or any assembly open to or frequented by the public, and any other place which is open to the public view or to which the public has access.
   (C)   Acts prohibited. No person shall:
      (1)   Willfully or maliciously make or assist in making any noises, disturbance, or improper diversions by which the peace, quietude, or good order of any public, private, or parochial school is disturbed;
      (2)   Use profane, indecent, or immoral language or indulge in indecent or immoral conduct in any building or on any property adjacent to any building in the village occupied as a public, private, or parochial school;
      (3)   Create a disturbance in any private, public, or parochial school or on the surrounding school grounds or on the fields or grounds lawfully used for school activities while such recreational areas or other activities are in progress and any person found to be doing same shall leave immediately when so directed by the principal or by any other person designated by the principal;
      (4)   Be drunk or under the influence of any narcotic drug or alcoholic beverage or indulge in or use any narcotic drug or any alcoholic beverage in any private, public, or parochial school or on the surrounding school grounds or on the fields or grounds lawfully used for school activities;
      (5)   Enter and remain in any public, private, or parochial school building between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on days such school is in session who is not a regularly enrolled student, teacher, or other employee of such school, unless he or she shall have first immediately proceeded to the administrator’s offices and identified himself to the principal or the principal’s designees;
      (6)   Enter and remain in any public, private, or parochial school, or on surrounding school grounds within 300 feet of the school building, after being requested to leave by the principal or his or her designee, or within 300 feet of any surrounding school grounds or field or grounds lawfully used for school activities;
      (7)   Willfully destroy, remove, damage, alter, or in any manner deface any property not his or her own, in any private, public, or parochial school or on the surrounding school grounds or on the fields or grounds lawfully used for school activities;
      (8)   Borrow or attempt to borrow any money or thing of value from any student in any public, private, or parochial school or on any public, private, or parochial school property in the village or, during any time when any such student is going to or returning from any regularly scheduled session of any such school, without first obtaining the written approval of the principal of such school or other persons designated by the principal of such school to issue such written approval;
      (9)   Be on any school grounds after dark unless he or she is actively engaged in school sponsored functions, supervised recreational activities, or is participating in an athletic event or is a spectator of such event;
      (10)   Insult, accost, molest, or otherwise annoy, either by word of mouth, sign, or motion, any person in any private, public, or parochial school or on the surrounding school grounds or on the fields or grounds lawfully used for school activities;
      (11)   Collect or stand in crowds, or arrange, encourage, or abet the collection of persons in crowds for illegal or mischievous purposes in any private, public, or parochial school or on the surrounding school grounds or on the fields or grounds lawfully used for school activities; and/or
      (12)   Obstruct, resist, hinder, or oppose any member, employee, teacher, or principal of any public, private, or parochial school, or school board, in the discharge of his or her duties as such in any public, private, or parochial school, or on the surrounding school grounds, or the fields or grounds lawfully used for school activities.
(Ord. 75-33, passed - -) Penalty, see § 130.99