§ 130.01 EXPLOSIVES.
   (A)   No person, firm, or corporation shall cause or knowingly permit dynamite, nitroglycerine, gunpowder, or other high explosive of any kind or nature to be exploded or fired within the limits of this village without first obtaining a permit therefor as hereinafter provided; nor at all within 500 feet of any dwelling, school house, church, or other public place, except in extreme emergency.
   (B)   Any person desiring to fire or explode any of the explosives referred to in division (A) above hereof, shall make written and signed application therefor specifying the purpose, place, and time the same is to be used, and presenting the same to the Village President or Village Marshal and obtaining his or her signed approval thereof, and filing same with the approval with the Village Clerk, setting forth the time, place, and purpose of the use of said explosives.
   (C)   No person, firm, or corporation shall handle, keep, store, or house within 1,000 feet of any dwelling, church, school house, or other public place, nor within the business district of this village, any of the explosives described in division (A) above, exceeding a harmless quantity hereof, at any time whatsoever.
   (D)   The keeping or storing of any of the explosives described in division (A) above is hereby declared to be dangerous and a public nuisance, and any such explosive found in the prohibited district described in division (C) above may be destroyed or removed forthwith by any police officer or constable or any other police officer of this state, and without any liability on his, her, or their part.
(Ord. 75-10, passed - -) Penalty, see § 130.99