(A)   Definitions.
      (1)   MEMBERS. Members refers to members of the Akron Town Council.
      (2)   VIRTUAL MEETING. A virtual meeting is one in which one or more Town Council members meet by any means of electronic communication, so long as (a) at least a quorum of the members participate; (b) members can simultaneously communicate with each other, and (b) the public is able to attend and observe the meeting (except for executive session meetings). It includes meetings with a mix of electronic and in-person attendance by members, but may include 100% electronic communication. The minutes or memoranda for a virtual meeting must identify which members attended and by which method, which were absent, and the means of electronic communication used by members and the public. All votes taken in such a meeting must be by roll call vote.
   (B)   Declared emergency meetings. Whenever a disaster has been declared by either: the Indiana Governor declaring a disaster emergency under I.C. 10-14-3-12; or the executive of the town declaring a local disaster emergency under I.C. 10-14-3-29; the members of the Town Council may meet in a virtual meeting.
   (C)   Non-emergency meetings. This division shall apply whenever division (B) above is not applicable.
      (1)   A member may attend a Town Council using a virtual meeting, subject to the conditions in this section. If doing so, a member is present for purposes of establishing a quorum, and may participate in any final action so long as the member can be seen and heard by other members and public attendees.
      (2)   A member should notify the President or Clerk-Treasurer at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting, if possible.
      (3)   At least 50% of the members must be physically present at the meeting. This means no more than one member may participate virtually at any single meeting.
      (4)   A member may not attend more than 50% of the meetings using a virtual meeting format, or attend two consecutive meetings virtually, unless use of the virtual meeting format is due to military service, illness or other medical condition, death of a relative, or an emergency involving actual or threatened injury to persons or property.
      (5)   A member may not participate in a meeting virtually if the Council is attempting to take final action to: adopt a budget, make a reduction in personnel; initiate a referendum; establish or increase a fee; establish or increase a penalty; use the town's eminent domain authority; or establish, raise or renew a tax.
(Res. 04-18-2022, passed 4-18-22)