Many of the subsequent provisions of this code constitute mandatory or prohibitory local laws which are intended to govern human behavior, regulate the condition of property, further public health and safety and the like and will from time to time require enforcement under the statutory and general common law police powers of the municipal corporation. The purpose of this chapter is therefore to define, prescribe or otherwise set forth general policies, procedures and guidelines governing the enforcement and administration of the enforceable provisions. The provisions of this chapter apply in all instances except to the extent that a different manner, method, procedure or policy controlling enforcement has been expressly prescribed with respect to the particular matter by a subsequent provision of this code, by statute, by applicable state or federal administrative regulations or by the rules of the court of jurisdiction. Furthermore, the provisions of this chapter govern and apply only to enforcement of and violations against the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the municipal corporation and in no way affect nor apply to infractions or other offenses against state law, which latter when subject to enforcement by the authorities of the municipal corporation shall be so enforced, administered and prosecuted solely in the manner prescribed by statute or by state authorities having jurisdiction.
(`86 Code, § 1-4-1)