(A)   In addition to filling the position of Chief Deputy, the Marshal shall promote Deputy Marshals from the grade of probationary officer to permanent status at the conclusion of the probationary period if the Deputy has performed satisfactorily. Demotion from Chief Deputy shall be done only in conformity to the disciplinary hearing section of this chapter.
   (B)   Deputy Town Marshals shall be subject to the Marshal's orders and discipline. The Marshal may discipline regular Deputy Marshals only in conformity to the disciplinary hearing section of this chapter, except as provided hereafter. Suspensions not totaling more than five cumulative days in any calendar year may be imposed by the Marshal on any regular deputy without first going through the disciplinary hearing procedure by giving written notice to the Clerk-Treasurer and officer involved before the pay period concludes in which the suspension is to be imposed.
   (C)   More severe discipline may be imposed by the Marshal, but Deputy Marshals then have a right to appeal to the Town Council any such actions according to I.C. 36-8-3.
   (D)   The Marshal may also issue letters of reprimand which will be included in the Deputy's personnel file for not more than two years. These letters of reprimand can be used in subsequent disciplinary proceedings within the two year period but only for determining the severity of the disciplinary sanctions to be imposed on an independent charge.
   (E)   The Marshal shall establish written rules for the operation of the Department. Those rules which result in disciplinary action if violated and will be submitted to the Town Council for the Council's approval.
(Ord. 04-21-98, passed 5-19-98)