(A)   In addition to any authority mentioned elsewhere, the Town Council has total discretion in setting the Marshal's Police Department budget, wages, benefits and manpower.
   (B)   To these ends, the Town Council grants to the Marshal the authority to appoint one regular Deputy Marshal. The Marshal may appoint no other Deputy Marshals at this time until amended.
   (C)   The Town Council authorizes the Marshal to provide for the training required by federal and state law, including the continuing education training to be performed on duty time. Each Department member shall be allowed a minimum of 16 hours of continuing education training each year.
   (D)   The Marshal shall schedule deputies so that full-time paid officers perform approximately 40 hours of on-duty service per week.
   (E)   The Town Council further declares that it wishes the funds it budgets to the Marshal's Police Department to be primarily expended for the following services: as near a full-services department as possible.
(Ord. 04-21-98, passed 5-19-98)