The Commission shall be comprised of five members, each of whom shall be entitled to one vote. The members shall serve without compensation and shall adopt their own by-laws including the designation and election of officers.
   (A)   Five members shall be appointed by the Town Council, for (alternating) three-year terms;
   (B)   The department head, or his or her representatives, for the Street Department shall have membership, but no voting power;
   (C)   The Town Council shall provide administrative staff functions for the Commission;
   (D)   Member status shall be maintained by attending at least seven meetings and by missing no more than three consecutive meetings. Town representatives appointed to the Tree Commission shall have the same attendance requirements. Noncompliance with this requirement will result in the loss of member status on the Tree Commission.
(Ord. 2000-2-15, passed 2-15-00; Am. Ord. 4-18-2006, passed 5-16-06)