The following design standards shall be considered minimum acceptable requirements in the review of the proposed subdivision by the Zoning Administrator, City Attorney, City Engineer, Planning Commission and Council, except as waived by variance approved by the Board of Adjustment.
   (A)   The land shall be properly zoned and suitable in its natural state for the intended purpose with minimal alteration required. Land subject to flooding, land below the ordinary high water mark, wetlands, areas with high water table, bluffs, lands with slopes exceeding 12% or land containing other significant constraint(s) upon future intended usage, shall not be considered in the minimum size of a lot. The suitability analysis for each lot shall also consider soil and rock formations with severe limitations for development, severe erosion potential, inadequate water supply or sewage treatment capabilities, near-shore aquatic conditions unsuitable for water-based recreation, important fish and wildlife habitat, presence of significant historical sites, or any other feature of the natural land likely to be harmful to the health, safety or welfare of future residents of the proposed subdivision or of the community.
   (B)   All non-conforming structures and uses shall be brought into conformity during the subdivision process, except as specifically waived by motion of the Planning Commission.
   (C)   Each lot shall be adjacent to public sewer or shall have a minimum contiguous lawn area that is free of limiting factors sufficient for the construction of two standard soil treatment sewage systems.
   (D)   Provisions for water based recreation where near shore aquatic conditions are unsuitable for direct access.
   (E)   Lot areas and dimensions shall conform to the requirements of this chapter, without variance.
   (F)   Lot layouts shall be compatible with the existing layout of adjoining properties and/or shall not constrain the future development of adjacent properties if those properties were to be developed as per this chapter.
   (G)   Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles to straight road lines or radial to curved road lines, radial to lake or stream shores, and shall not contain bends or jogs unless topographic conditions necessitate a different arrangement. Existing structures shall not be construed to be a topographic condition.
   (H)   Each lot shall have a minimum of 33 feet of frontage on a designated right-of-way. Commonly-owned property or green space used for access in a planned unit development shall have a minimum of 33 feet of frontage on a public right-of-way.
   (I)   Proposed streets shall conform to the adopted road plan of the city, county and state highway plans and existing boundary conditions.
      (1)   Streets shall be related to the topography so as to produce useable lots and reasonable gradients not in excess of 10% for collector streets and 12% for minor roads.
      (2)   Public access shall be given to adjacent properties unless the topography clearly indicated future connection is not feasible.
      (3)   When parcels abutting arterial streets or collector streets are subdivided, no new access points shall be created unless an equal number of access points are removed, unless access points are created not less than 500 feet apart in which case there shall be no limit on the number of access points allowed.
      (4)   Half streets or connections of half streets to partial streets without providing for the full required right-of-way will not be permitted.
      (5)   Streets will be designed as collector streets or local streets in accordance with the city’s road plan.
      (6)   The number of streets that terminate without a through connection shall be minimized and the street connected to a cul-de-sac (turnaround) shall not exceed 1,200 feet in length.
      (7)   Access shall be given to all adjacent properties when required by the Planning Commission. All streets intended to be extended to adjoining property, shall be provided with a temporary cul-de-sac with the sides on a temporary easement, which will revert to the adjoining lot owner when released by the city. Landlocked areas shall not be created.
      (8)   Right-of-way shall be dedicated to the public:
Arterials streets
100 feet or as determined by Aitkin County
Collector streets
66 feet
Cul-de-sac (turnaround)
68-foot radius
Local streets
66 feet
Additional right-of-way may be required to promote public safety and convenience if special conditions require such as intersections, sight lines on corners or excessive cut or fill sections.
      (9)   (a)   Street centerlines shall intersect at not less than 75 degrees.
         (b)   Street jogs shall be no less than 200 feet from centerline to centerline.
         (c)   Gradients at intersections and for 50 feet approaching on each side of an intersection shall not exceed 2%. The approach shall contain no grades greater than 7% for 200 feet on each side of the intersection.
      (10)   Roads, driveways and parking areas shall meet structure setbacks and shall not be placed within bluff and Shore Impact Zones.
      (11)   Street names shall conform to the pattern of the city, continue an existing name on the same alignment and generally promote direction in the community. Street names shall be coordinated with the City Administrator.
   (J)   Easements shall be provided for public utilities or drainage where required by the Planning Commission and shall be the following widths, minimum:
10 feet
Electrical, telephone or cable television
10 feet
Sanitary sewer
40 feet
Storm sewer
20 feet
20 feet
   (K)   Lots requiring holding tanks for sewage shall not be allowed.
(Ord. 332, passed 5-19-2008; Ord. 348, passed 9-7-2010)